Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Blind Item #2

This B+ list mostly television actress who all of you know went from network to cable on the same show. She is telling people that she is a sex addict which has definitely been causing some whispers the past few months as she is seen with men, not her significant other.


  1. Tricia1311:48 PM

    Hayden Paniettiere

  2. MontanaMarriott11:49 PM

    Hayden P

  3. dianavonthirstybird11:56 PM

    I don't own a TV so I have no idea who this young lady is. Assume she's young. That said, there are millions of people who simply have no boundaries in their lives. They do whatever makes them feel good even if it will hurt someone else. This is how she chooses to live her life. She will have to live with the outcome of her decisions. Conrad Hilton is another one. Hollywood is and always has been a cesspool. It will never change. Why are we surprised?

  4. just sayin\'12:56 AM

    when you're raised in dysfunction it comes out in your adult life, not by choice, short of lots of therapy. hayden's rumored to have suffered sexual abuse, even incest, as a child. sex addiction would be a very natural outcome of that. as a mother speaking to another mother i'd tell her to stfu, stay home with her child and get help asap. that sort of hideous publicity is likely what effed with conrad hilton's head.

  5. Guesser1:23 AM

    She is probably substituting one addiction for another. She's one of Enty's original yacht girl stories,I remember seeing pictures of her on a yacht with bruises. There were some other horror stories as well .

  6. Tricia132:30 AM

    I just mentioned him (Conrad) on another thread--- what a disaster he is--you could see him cursing out people on live tv as he was being sentenced for the latest (well Done Kathy:(
    Maybe Paris can get smuggle some escorts into jail for him (as if he actually get time lol)

  7. Sarah2:40 AM

    It really is sad, because Hayden is actually pretty talented. Her character is by far the best and most compelling on Nashville, and she does a hell of a job portraying her. Unfortunately, I think she is someone with a lot of issues and she does so well playing Juliette because she's essentially the same as her character. Trashy past, history of sexual abuse. She needs serious help, for her child's sake especially. Wladmir seems to actually love her. She shouldn't fuck it up with the cheating and substance abuse issues because once this show ends she will never get work. She could have, but her reputation is so bad at this point I think people would stay away.

  8. yukyuk3:02 AM

