Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Blind Item #2

This married B list mostly television actress seemingly goes to every big award show even when she is not nominated. She is desperate to get her new show on the air but probably doesn't realize her cheating husband wants the same thing.


  1. Tricia1311:48 PM

    Gretchen Mol?Does she have a show in the works?

  2. French girl12:44 AM

    Eva longoria is at Cannes fest like every year because she is a L Oreal girl

  3. Busy Phillips is desperate for her new show to be picked-up. She always attends the awards with Michelle Williams.

  4. JustReading1:35 AM

    I have no idea what her job is. Seems to be showing up to see if anyone remembers her & getting gossip mentions.

  5. Teri Hatcher6:37 AM

    LOL....I just saw Eva on Hollywood Medium Tyler Henry's show. She constantly talked the whole time & had to be the center of the attention for the cameras, so he hardly had any time to do a reading. He was obviously getting frustrated with her.

  6. Denise9:21 AM

    She is a working actress and her show Vice Principal is current and starts airing this summer again,so not her . Someone with a pilot that is in limbo probably.
    Like the Longoria guess she is everywhere.

  7. I like the Longoria guess. She's an Executive Producer, so she'd be inclined to want to attend red carpets to get her show picked up and network.
