Thursday, May 04, 2017

Blind Item #5

Whenever she has a new show you can count on one thing. That thing is an increase and in drug and alcohol use for this A list comic/host/part-time actress.


  1. just sayin\'1:01 AM

    amy schumer?

  2. just sayin\'1:01 AM

    chelsea's a better guess tricia!

  3. Tricia131:18 AM

    I didn't realize she had another new show!
    Thanks for the warning Enty lol

  4. dianavonthirstybird4:26 AM

    If the long awaited Martian landing happens in my lifetime, I hope and pray Amy and Chelsea are the first and only humans they take back to Mars with them. And leave them there! Oh, I forgot Lena!

  5. Tricia136:27 AM

    I'm with ya!

  6. police dog6:38 AM

    PLEASE take lena first.
    that blind from yesterday for her going to the hospital for edibles/tequila/and...unregulated diet pills....bitch, all that shit about body positivity...I hate fat annoying bitches like her who preach that but then go and do EXACTLY what they rip.

    adunham is going to be at GOOP's little 'womens medicine fest' or wahtever wellness event shes doing (note: paltrow has a GED...that is it) enty's blind about tracy anderson leeching dunham is already in the works clearly. yaaaas

  7. Hot Cola12:26 PM

    (But if they are a more in tel agent race why would they want them;)?
