Thursday, May 11, 2017

Blind Item #7

I love how this barely a model who is a celebrity offspring of a barely relevant former B list actor pretends she is all hip hop and street. If a guy of any color other than lily white tried to touch her she would freak out because she is that racist. It is why she can't make any money yachting.


  1. Tricia131:40 AM

    Hailey Baldwin

  2. One of the baldwin girls

  3. How is Baldwin barely relevant? I hate the guy but he's been on TV a lot doing the "let's make fun of our president" gig on SNL.

  4. Oh she's Steven Baldwin's kid. I'm dumb.

  5. Lurky McLurkster2:05 AM

    Wrong Baldwin. Stephen is her father and not Alec

  6. NoseyNeighbor2:06 AM

    Surely the Klan has yachting events? She could try there. If she has no luck there I'm sure the Neo Nazis do. Just a thought. Gotta think outside the box.

  7. Guesser2:10 AM

    Hailey. Baldwin is very relevant in Enty'blinds.

  8. All these girls grew up watching MTV and really bought into the b*tches and h*s thing. They're all like this. Not one has ever been in the hood and if they did they would sure AF not be pretending to be all hood and street. It's not a sexy culture.

  9. AyyPapi3:56 AM

    I'm pretty sure it's not all arabs that do the whole rent-a-Hollywood-hoe thing.

  10. Sarah4:28 AM

    What gives? We get Hailey Baldwin blinds like once a week. I kind of get it with the Hadids and Jenners (much to my dismay), but she's not really on that level. She is gorgeous though. Sucks that she was raised to be so close-minded and racist.

  11. Hot Cola6:11 AM

    Yes, there are Greeks either. And Eurotrash

  12. Hot Cola6:13 AM

    They dont have any money Ha!

  13. dianavonthirstybird6:38 AM

    This blind is disturbing to me on many levels. First of all, it shouldn't even be on this site. Secondly, I doubt if super religious Stephen would let his daughter get anywhere near a yacht. I resent the reference to Arabs not being white. Arabs come in all colors of the rainbow. I have never met an Arab man anywhere in the world who wasn't kindness personified. Carlos Slim is Lebanese but born in Mexico. I don't think Stephen would mind if she spent some time on HIS yacht. She doesn't want to date Tyga. Big deal.

  14. Patrick6:41 AM

    But if you won't do non-whites, it cuts down on your asking price.

  15. Sharper Teeth6:43 AM

    don't be too hardshell on yourself, you're only a taco.

  16. texasrose7:10 AM

    I hope the premise of this whole blind isn't just because she prefers to date white guys. That shouldn't be the basis of a 'she's racist' rant. I know there are other issues going on here but come on!!

  17. dianavonthirstybird8:02 AM

    Yacht? They wouldn't know what one was if they stepped on it. Their idea of summer fun is renting a hot tub from Ace Hardware. Most of them live inland and there's no place to put a boat. Except in Louisiana. They got some down thar fo sure.

  18. shakey9:05 AM

    I imagine a redneck yacht = one of those bass boats, lol.

  19. Scandi Sanskrit10:40 AM

    I know. There's a difference between personal preference and actually being broader-scale "racist" (like you wouldn't hire/agree to work with someone based on their race). I only date outside a religion a part of my nuclear family follow, does that make me some sort of "phobic"? I also don't like dating within my own nationality/citizenship because it makes me claustrophobic AF. I used to really freak out when the neighbourhood ladies eyed to me set me up with their sons.

    That being said, I'm also wary of being seen dating white men (even if I like them because most of them are usually about as tall as my father/brothers, and I like their cute noses) because I worry people will think I'm just dating him to "better my life" (because that's a common stereotype for Asian women in Asia, which strangely doesn't apply to Asian-American women). Whenever I'm with a white guy, I just feel compelled to overcompensate to prove that I'm not one of those gold-diggers like I have some sort of weird complex about it (to the point that I won't be as polite to white expats just to prove I don't kiss white butt). I guess I'm okay with white men who live around white people, but I don't like how they act like kings once they live here, does that make me racist against white people? I don't think so.

  20. Soooo... she's OK being a whore... just not with non-white guys. What an awfully ugly person.

  21. Sd auntie1:44 PM

    Hailey was hangin with that questionable basketball player of color. Banging Bieber screws most chicks up so who knows. She will be a nobody in 5 years

  22. Jennifer3:13 PM

    Is there an international law that requires women to date minorities to prove they aren't racist? Some people find white men extremely what?

  23. Marlo7:24 PM

    I think there is a double standard. Some people just aren't attracted to certain 'races'. The only Black guys that would rock my boat, are Lenny Kravitz and Tyson Beckford (yum). Oh and that bf of Lisa Bonnet, he's hot but needs a shower.
    Btw, I'm not really into blonde men either, does that make me anti-blonde?
    If a Black celebrity said she wasn't attracted to white guys, nobody would bat an eye. Nobody.
    It's stupid. Get a life social justice warriors.

  24. Jason Momoa is not black....

  25. capcha6:37 AM

    You would
