Friday, May 12, 2017

Blind Item #7

This former A list mostly television actress from multiple shows back in the day and then not that far back in the day has had substance abuse issues. We all know this. Apparently when she was drug shopping she allowed herself to be filmed having sex for meds.


  1. Derek Harvey1:33 AM

    Heather Locklear

  2. longtimereader2:43 AM

    Now i would pay to see sammy jo in a sex tape.

  3. Derek Harvey3:07 AM

    I wonder if she did one with Tommy Lee back in the day...

  4. dianavonthirstybird3:30 AM

    Goooood Loooord! Can it get lower than this? Poor lady. I guess lower would be Mexico and a Donkey!

  5. Sarah6:54 AM

    I immediately thought Heather Locklear with this. I am such a big fan of hers. It's really sad because I feel like had she stayed out of trouble, she could have had a constant career in television over the years and maintained a really solid level of success. Instead, she looks terrible and is barely getting work. So sad. She's fun to watch when she's normal.

  6. Yacht Girl7:32 AM

    Or a Dubai Porta Potty

  7. texasrose7:39 AM

    If true why haven't they surfaced???

  8. Kellyanne C., The Girl From P.U.T.I.N.7:57 AM

    These sex tape/porn tape blinds are almost never credibly revealed, and even when they are revealed the videos never surface (Teen Moms aside, maybe). It's amazing that somebody who makes sensational claims and never provides evidence to back them up retains credibility no matter how many times he does it.
