Monday, May 15, 2017

Blind Item #8

If you are this foreign born A list rapper it is way better for your image to have your PR people leak all these stories about strippers and getting random women pregnant across the pond than to have anyone think you are hooking up with that closeted A list athlete who seems to go everywhere you do.


  1. Tricia131:46 AM

    Drake and ODell beckham Jr

  2. mariaj1:48 AM

    Drake, he looks a bit ridicolous with all these stories about women, frankly

  3. Enty are you suggesting Drake is Bisexual? And I am guessing the male lover is Odell Beckham Jr?

  4. Linda2:02 AM

    The first time I heard about him having unprotected sex with strippers and porn stars was on this site.

    So are you helping leak those stories yourself or?

  5. Guesser2:05 AM

    OBJ is living with Drake, he said it himself.

  6. longtimereader2:46 AM

    I'm from the UK and even i know who OBJ is.

  7. Cute couple3:12 AM

    Odell and Drake make a handsome couple. It's too bad we live in a world where two men in love feel the need to hide and make up ridiculous stories to cover the gay. At least they are not going the beard plus lab created baby.........yet. I'm sure if the rumors don't die ( because they are true) we'll be seeing one of them "date" a high profile model and pop out an IVF baby soon enough. Real live Infants are the new beards. Imagine creating a child just to hide your true sexuality. Happening daily in Hollyweird.

  8. NoseyNeighbor3:14 AM

    So is this why he went to his cousin's prom in Memphis and just hung out there?

  9. Sarah6:45 AM

    I have always felt that Drake tries way too hard to perpetuate this womanizing image. Outside of the showmance with Rihanna, there haven't been any other serious girlfriends. I just find it odd--someone that attractive and successful would at least find some model or celebrity spawn to date. At least briefly. It's just weird to me that not only is he never with anyone, but everyone he reportedly he hooks up with is a stripper or porn star. I'm not buying it. So Drake being bi or gay and being with OBJ makes sense to me.

  10. Tricia137:13 AM
    When i posted I almost put a?because know clue who Drake hangs with and then afterward I found this

  11. The Black American community is very homophobic especially black women. They would lose their shit if BOTH Odell Beckham Jr and Drake are gay. Check out lipstick alley website they freak out if any black male celebrity is rumored to be gay they do NOT want to believe it. Odell Beckham Jr is gay remember last year a white tennis pro Jack Sock wrote an article for the players Tribune and he admitted Odell texted him despite not knowing Sock. Sock spent the night at Odell apartment and then went to a Kanye West concert the next day. I can see why both men would hide their sexuality black Americans very homophobic.

  12. exactly i read here he got a stripper pregnant?

  13. ArtofAnAngel12:30 PM

    -the stripper he never met claims pregnancy
    -the porn star seen w/ in Europe claimed pregnancy
    -the 2 models he took on tour?

    Like whatever. But it's all seeming mad suspect.

  14. Antonio4:37 PM

    I'm just curious who the top and bottom is. They both have dsl, drake more so than Odell.

  15. Dave the rave8:50 AM

    By this clueless statement alone, I know you are not black.'The black american community is very homophobic, especially black women'.

    Drake's fan base is made up in part of young girls and women. If they balk at gay gossip it's probably because it ruins their fantasy of being with him rather than it being about homophobia.

  16. belinda9:10 AM

    Because that story was in the news, and you know thats where these 'blinds' come from. But again it could be pr people trying to spin a story
