Thursday, May 25, 2017

Blind Item #8

This weekly magazine, never known for its objectivity was paid $1M for several features about why this disaster of a made for television reboot was so amazing even though it sucked.


  1. Tricia131:47 AM

    Dirty Dancing

  2. Tricia131:48 AM

    And Kneepads/People

  3. sandybrook2:13 AM

    Except this morning afterwards People decided that Abigail and the guy who couldn't act had "no chemistry". But they all got paid ?

  4. Tricia132:16 AM

    Had it on for 5 minutes out of abject curiosity and was ????It was sooo bad!Might put Coke Mom(I mean Debra Messing) over the edge--(she looked embarrassed to be in it rightly so)

  5. sidney2:39 AM

    What dreck...Patrick Swayze was a force of nature, beautiful to behold, and talented. Jennifer Grey was lightheated perfection.
    Why would anyone mess with That?
    Don't get me started on coke mom and that mummified character who played her husband, and why were They singing? At least Jerry Ohrbach Could have sung if asked. The Breslin character was too chubby, I guess that was an attempt to make her seem Real, it didn't work.

  6. NoNotThatBeth3:19 AM

    I couldn't bring myself to try. The movie was perfection, and Patrick Swayze's memory should not be sullied by any association with this .... barefaced money grab.

  7. Sarah7:34 AM

    Dirty Dancing/People. We all know the truth-it was terrible and got destroyed on Twitter. Some movies need to not be remade. This was one of them.

  8. SnarkIsFun7:50 AM

    Except Jerry Orbach is dead . . . although he STILL might have done a better job!

  9. Hot Cola9:04 AM


  10. sidney9:24 AM

    Sadly, I know he's dead. But my point was that if the father was Supposed to sing in the original, Jerry could have pulled it off.

  11. Scandi Sanskrit9:43 AM

    Is "Baywatch" any good? Just saw the trailer on TV the other day. That boy toy dude Nicole Kidman peed on is in it.
