Thursday, May 04, 2017

Blind Item #8

This A list foreign born model who is probably a permanent A lister lost one boyfriend under unusual circumstances. Now you can make it two. A guy she was seeing died while having sex with her. Yep, just like something out of the movies. He was on top and then died on top of her. Probably would make you want to give up sex for a bit.


  1. Tricia131:46 AM

    Petra Nemcova

  2. My grandpa died on top of his mistress. Awk-ward.

  3. Marlo3:39 AM

    Bloody Hell!! How was the funeral for your grandma?

  4. Ettacettera3:58 AM

    Meloonia trump's dream come true..cha ching

  5. Is it because she dates rich old geezer sugar daddies on their way to the grave already or????? Is she choking them or something?

  6. dianavonthirstybird4:21 AM

    Right as always, Tricia 13!

  7. 8==D KermitGosnellKnobJob5:05 AM

    A frog president died that way. It is far better than alzheimer, or some others.

  8. Tricia136:25 AM

    Hey@dianavonthirstybird-not sure ,but her fiance(at the time)Simon who perished in the psunami in Thailand-well that is pretty tragic:(
    This guy --??? Yikes! Must have been some kinda foreplay:(

  9. sandybrook8:49 AM

    Ex governor of New York and ex-Vice President Nelson Rockefeller died that way as well, screwing his g/f Megan Marshack who worked for WCBS-TV, she was 27, he was 70.

  10. Bif Loman10:06 AM

    Nelson Rockefeller would have lived but his GF couldn't get out from under him. By the time she rolled him off and called for help, he was dead.

  11. Hortensia12:57 PM

    Some girls have all the bad luck.

  12. French girl1:26 AM

    She is not A list model or even permanent A list in my opinion
