Tuesday, May 09, 2017

Blind Item #8

The studio must be more worried than I thought. This A+ list mostly movie actress who is a multiple Academy Award winner/nominee has a bodyguard who is a known sober coach too by her side day and night while filming her new movie out of the country.


  1. Tricia131:46 AM

    Jennifer Lawrence

  2. StarJones1:48 AM

    If I were fucking Darren Aronofsky I would be drunk and/or high too. He ugly.

  3. dianavonthirstybird1:51 AM

    She is so beautiful & talented. If this is true, it proves that having all the money and fame in the world doesn't make you happy. I hope she pulls out of this alcohol spiral and becomes a happier person. She really is adorable. Big fan.

  4. Tricia131:55 AM

    Haha.. not sure they are together anymore-think he may have had enough of it(if rumor is true)....time will tell.Hey she'll always have Harvey:))

  5. Guesser2:04 AM

    They will keep up the act until the film is released, A big breakup will damage the box office,and they can 't have that! Maybe the charade Luther over the edge.

  6. Beige Caulk2:30 AM

    She's an average looking woman who is probably dealing with issues of being teased and taunted when growing up. Drama club nerd, it probably did a number on her self esteem. She tries so hard to shock people and try to prove she's cool. Have the best stylists and make up artists, and it still can't hide the ugliness bubbling beneath the surface

    I just don't get it. Have few cocktails, smoke a spiff if that's your thing, but how do you get to the point of needing a sober coach.

  7. Mmmkay2:32 AM

    Oh Jenny.

  8. longtimereader2:51 AM

    Well she had aziz available who would treat her right but went for the creepy director.

  9. Frosty3:27 AM

    This is Meryl Streep.

  10. Joel Theriot3:28 AM

    This right here. Well said.

  11. Mellow5:40 AM

    She is dating with Josh Hutcherson, and the tests are too many, named her favorite parts of the man where Josh has tattoos, Josh was seen in Louisville (her hometown) at Christmas, he was in London while she was there, they have beards, and they are two horrible people

  12. Kitkat45:48 AM

    She is under a lot of pressure, her last few movies haven't done well at the box office. Also explains why she has to pretend to date her director.

  13. nancer6:01 AM

    i thought 'wow' when i saw 'winter's bone.' she was incredible. but she has bought into her own hype and is now just an f'd up mess. she needs a big smack up side the head.

  14. Kitkat46:07 AM

    I think it is alcoholism, because in interviews she talked about how she drinks red wine all the time. Very sad if it is true.

  15. Meg00m7:40 AM

    I think they would have made a cool couple. But its hard to defriendzone yourself as it was rumoured he was trying to do.

  16. dianavonthirstybird8:00 AM

    Got an email from National Enquirer talking about future stories & top of the list was a story about her out of it in a dirty sex club in Germany pole dancing nude from the waist up and spanking herself. Yeah, sounds like someone needs a sober coach! If this story isn't true, move over Richard Simmons. Someone else is taking them to court.

  17. texasrose8:00 AM

    When you start hanging out with Amy Schumer alot of peope start to question your judgment as well as your sanity so this was bound to happen.

  18. So sad that JLaw can't seem to get it together. i wonder if the parents hired the sober coach/security guard?

  19. SnarkIsFun10:51 AM

    @Mellow - wasn't there just a blind the other day, though, about Josh Hutcherson's gf causing a huge problem on a movie set? Can't see JLaw doing that - unless she is, indeed, drunk and/or high/stoned.

  20. They fell out, they aren't friends, no one stays friends with Amy Schumer for long funny that.

  21. aziz has a long term GF who is a chef, not a famous type cause he's not about the drugs and drama, I'm probably incorrect but I hope he's not the type, I like him a lot.

  22. Isabella5:49 AM

    So everyone in the comments here knows JLaw personally ? You don't know her so stop saying BS about her.

  23. Isabella5:50 AM

    So WHY is everyone here acting like they know JLaw personally ? You don't s*it about her so stop acting like you know her.Many blind items here are FAKE tho.

  24. Mellow12:33 PM

    Lol, I have proof of some girls who saw him in Louisville, he was in London because a fan took a picture with him, it was not a blind
