Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Blind Item #9

His latest movie might be a box office bomb, but unlike his head in the sand former tweener co-star, the studios love this A+ list mostly movie actor. They love that when faced with a bomb he is out there promoting it just as hard, if not harder, and he is going to lock up some big paychecks because of it. On the flip side, the former tweener is just bad luck.


  1. sandybrook3:46 AM

    The Rock Baywatch and Zac efron

  2. texasrose3:47 AM

    Now come on.. This is a blind I'd expect on Blind Gossip. Why not just write about how the studio's love the Rock and even with his first bomb he is still out there promoting while Zac bebops along.

  3. MontanaMarriott3:49 AM

    Johny Depp and Brenton Thwaites, Pirates of the Caribbeans?

  4. MontanaMarriott3:49 AM

    Brenton was in the flop Gods of Egypts

  5. police dog4:17 AM

    His latest movie might be a box office bomb, but unlike his head in the sand former tweener co-star [ZAC EFRON], the studios love this A+ list mostly movie actor [THE ROCK/DWAYNE JOHNSON]. They love that when faced with a bomb [BAYWATCH] he is out there promoting it just as hard, if not harder, and he is going to lock up some big paychecks because of it. On the flip side, the former tweener is just bad luck.

    I actually admit this about The Rock...also I have this gut feeling he is a good guy irl. maybe Im wrong who knows.

  6. Hot Cola4:27 AM

    Now this is an interesting blind.

  7. Hot Cola4:29 AM

    How is BayWatch going to bomb? Certainly not Internationally.

  8. Lurky McLurkster4:31 AM

    I am a fan of The Rock but in fairness, Hercules was really his first bomb in the modern Rock, The Movie Star era

  9. Taylor4:39 AM

    Zac efron has been promoting 'Baywatch' non-stop. H just returned from Australia and is now in Berlin.
    He has done more interviews than Dwayne Johnson.

  10. texasrose4:42 AM

    Forgot about that but my main point was about why is this even a blind??

  11. How could anyone think a Baywatch movie was going to go well and particularly with this cast?

  12. Obviously The Rock and Zac Efron the movie Baywatch. I hate how the media are blaming the rock when Efron is also the male lead. When has Efron ever headlined a hit movie by himself? He is box office poison. Efron can only have hit movies when he is paired with a bankable star. His acting is also extremely poor and one note a pretty face and nothing more.

  13. This is what the USA media ignores Baywatch can still turn a profit overseas. The studios want their movies to do well outside of America. Renee Zellweger Bridget Jones diary film the third one boned in the USA but still made over $200 million worldwide.


    This is just a hit piece on Zac Efron. He has been promoting 'Baywatch' for months now.
    He did the 'Slo mo run' in L.A. ( no Rock) and is now in Berlin ( with the Rock and rest of the cast.)

  15. Why don't these studios assess desire and market potential before investing in these Bombs? I'd speculate its because showing a loss is good for taxes but I know that Hollywood leans liberal and thus is happy to pay their fair share so I'm just struggling to understand who thought there would be interest in a baywatch movie

  16. Bel Ami6:44 AM

    I think it obvious you want the bad luck to be Zac Efron, but all he is guilty of is picking idiotic scripts, with his one trick pony character (dumb hot guy with a heart of gold) The Rock is promoting the heck out of the so called failure now (extra paycheck is the reason) but it was Efron who carried the majority of the PR stateside. BTW he is there with the entire cast as a last ditch effort to bring in the cash from overseas. IMO the main reason this PR failed was Daddario and her potty mouth promising titty and peen when in fact there is really nothing to shout about. The studio tried to make her and Efron a couple when in the film they are just a minimal boring subplot. The studios have to come up with more than a redo of ancient tv shows when the audience they are after were not even born and have not seen them. If they insist on redoing them the scripts better be top notch in wit not just a promise of a hot cast , showing their privates and then not delivering either. Efron has some good stuff coming up than goodness, lets see what happens.

  17. it's failing with alex because she has a boyfriend already and is over it

  18. i always see you on blind gossip are you just good with guessing on zac? or is this your opinion?


    I have to agree with everything you say here. Are you in the industry?

  20. Maitland7:47 AM

    Breaking even is still a bomb.

  21. Maitland7:48 AM

    Rock has been going at ppl bashing the movie on twitter.

  22. Bel Ami7:49 AM

    LOL, no I'm not but I have a friend close to the Zac camp. Doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out between these lines.

  23. Bel Ami7:51 AM

    Opinion .

  24. why would a friend of zacs just randomly tell you things? seems kinda weird? and how are they big getting in trouble for sharing things? kinda personal?

  25. Because he has no close friend to Efron's camp. Nobody in any 'camp' would come on a crappy website that spews lies and gets only 5,000 visits at most and spread real raw information. Ever.
    Secondly, people in Efron's camp would be too busy, and make good $ to even give a shit about talking about him.

    Lmao "I have a friend in Efron's camp."
    Biggest lie i heard today, too funny!

  26. He is not box office poison. Neighbors did really good after Zac's promo was out, that is honestly the main reason why Neighbors was such a big hit even though it was an OK movie. It wasn't because of Seth Rogen, or any other co-stars, it was actually Efron, I remember the days that movie was being promoted, and everyone could not stop talking about Efron along with Dave Franco, they were everywhere, and because of it, the film took off.

    '17 Again' wasn't a flop either, he has a couple more films that are not flops and did well.

    It's honestly because of the horrible roles Efron picks, he CAN act, he IS very talented.. His role choice, horrible!

    If he were to play in action films, I am talking Marvel or DC (supervised they haven't grabbed him yet.) He'd be as beloved and praised every where and wouldn't be seen as "box office poison."

    I assume The Greatest Showman on Earth, when it comes out... Will definitely shift people's perspective on Efron, as that film is already being said to be Oscar nominated, and people were mind blown at the preview Hugh showed.

  27. Do Tell9:18 AM

    I also think Efron will surprise a lot of people when he plays Ted Bundy. I have a feeling he will nail it.

  28. Bel Ami10:28 AM

    First of all I didn't give any info that was personal, second I said it was MY opinion and third I was answering someone else . I never said it was one of Efron's close personal friends , just his camp. meaning this person used to work for someone who worked for Efron.

  29. RenShaw1:57 PM

    I'm not buying this. It's this thing called Baywatch. What's next, Seinfeld, Bewitched. I get the sense that even the folks born after the height of these TV shows instinctually know to avoid them in the big screen. You could have casted a slew of A listers for Baywatch and it would have still bombed. It's a revolt but HW hasn't gotten the message yet.

  30. When Zac Efron dances in a movie, it makes money.
    Zac Efron did not dance in Baywatch.

  31. MMEEOOWWWW10:28 PM

    That explains why your comments are so insightful.

  32. shakey1:20 AM

    Bewitched was done already with Will Ferrell and Nicole Kidman.

  33. shakey1:29 AM

    REALLY?!? That is PERFECT casting! He can do it. His acting is SOLID in 17 Again. He studied Matthew Perry's movements and expresssions. He blew me away in that movie, and I've tried watching every one of his movies since. (I think I'll need to be quite drunk to watch the Robert De Niro one, though.)

  34. shakey1:35 AM

    Now *that* was a real POS.

    Dwayne knows how his bread is buttered. Look at how many movies he's survived and he's still bankable.

  35. longtimereader3:05 AM

    A summer movie full of hot bodies and humour based upon a famous franchise? Done well it would make $$$'s. This one wasn't so it didn't.

  36. Wendy2:12 PM

    I hope you one day realize that liberals and conservatives are in fact from the same country and it's a ploy to get you pissed off at each other instead of the people who are really blasting you in the ass.

  37. CheeseFries3:17 PM

    Efron definitely picks bad scripts but does he have the talent for better ones? From what I've seen, no. He also got so 'roided up for Baywatch it was insane. The dumb hot guy isn't enough to build a career on. If you know someone in his circle, tell them he needs a new team and a new career direction.
