Thursday, May 11, 2017

Blind Items Revealed #2

February 21, 2017

This foreign born A list mostly movie actor gave up his franchise. He has also been losing a lot of weight that he attributes to not playing a superhero any longer. It is actually a fairly serious illness.

Hugh Jackman


  1. Wow, doing great today... A rape victim and a seriously ill person.


  2. longtimereader2:36 AM

    Did you see his workout routine? brutal. I'd chill after all that effort.

  3. just sayin\'4:19 AM

    he's admitted to having recurring skin cancer, so not really outing his disease.

  4. Sarah4:36 AM

    He had to work out super hard and stick to a very crazy diet to bulk out for Wolverine the way he did. I do not blame him for putting a foot on the brakes a bit. That doesn't mean he's sick.

  5. dianavonthirstybird6:07 AM

    Melanoma is fatal. He owns up to skin cancer. If he has Melanoma I feel really sad right now. He has two young kids.

  6. SnarkIsFun8:46 AM

    If he is truly ill, sending prayers and positive vibes his way.

  7. Scandi Sanskrit10:04 AM

  8. Scandi Sanskrit10:05 AM

    Wear sunscreen/SPF everyone. Learn about what skincare ingredients are bad for you/are carcinogenic, and avoid those ingredients.

  9. Sunscreen causes cancer. Get a clue before you spew recycled bs

  10. Majik8bong1:00 PM

    Melanoma is not ALWAYS fatal. Caught early, it has a 98% cure rate. It has a 65% cure rate if it locally metastasizes to lymph nodes but yes, substantially less than that with distant metastases. It would still be considered serious if HJ had melanoma with local mets but not that far outside the realm of possibility that he would receive adequate chemo or immunotherapy for a complete cure.

    This is, believe it or not, what I do for a living.

  11. Sd auntie1:15 PM

    I wear sunscreen every friggin day rain or shine. It is recommended by dermatologists and it's better safe than sorry. I get discoloration just driving in my car and if you feel safer with your organic crapola, go for it. I will stick to the best money can buy.and be safe.

  12. Thomas S1:18 PM

    Melanoma is hopeless. You die in 5 months. They believe it's a virus now so even if they get tumor under mole out the virus is in the blood hides out in spine ( just like chicken pox which comes back as shingles) and comes back 3x as strong

  13. Thomas S1:20 PM

    That's what doctors used to say..yada yard yada
    You get mole out ur clean 5-10 years it's over
    Yea right
    Until after 10 years you get a lump under your armpit and told melanoma been lurking in your spine like a viru and you are dead in 3 months
    5 of my friends got melanoma stage 1
    Meaning melanoma hadn't spread
    Not one lasted more than 2 years and horrific deaths

  14. Aussiegal1:24 PM

    Gotta agree with Thomas here
    You get melanoma you will die of melanoma but you better hope you die of kidney failure from all the drugs and pain of champ bc at least die in your sleep
    Melanoma goes into brain
    Can't believe people still tan and get sunburns

  15. Aussiegal1:26 PM

    You must not be very good at your job bc it's exact opposite
    Lung Pancreas and melanoma 3 deadliest cancers
    Melanoma leading cause of death of women 20-35

  16. Quannoi1:31 AM

    I cannot cope with the idea of losing such a gentleman from the world. Hope he pulls through.
