Saturday, May 13, 2017

Blind Items Revealed #2

May 2, 2017

I would much rather this A- list mostly movie actress with a franchise soon to be ending who is a celebrity offspring get back together with her ex-boyfriend who is a bigger ATM than Tyga rather than the guy she has been hooking up with. There is no good that can happen when hooking up with this A-/B+ list mostly movie actor. Contact me and I will put you in touch with his ex-wife and an offspring and they will scream for you to run for the hills.

Dakota Johnson/Giovanni Ribisi


  1. sandybrook2:44 AM

    He's $cio and she isn't a A list actress.

    1. She is an A list actress and you will always be a nobody.

  2. Caitlin Bruce3:20 AM

    He's dating her friend not her. Classic blind from daily mail pics and no further research.

  3. Sd auntie4:33 AM

    Mr.Ribisi trying to recruit young non talent to Scientology. Hope her pea brain mom tries to steer her clear of wierdos inc.

  4. Lalalla4:38 AM

    He's dating Emily Ward, her friend. Of course ward is a hardcore scion, add to that Dakota's ex is Jordan Masterson and the result is that is highly possible that Dakota has been lured by the scions and is even using the secret door at the CC in LA: not saying that she a full scion, but like many of these vulnerable types they attend the courses and do the auditing. If anything is possible that she's still doing Masterson: he's been seen walking her dog lately.

  5. nursermk5:37 AM

    Bad enough he is a leech but even worse it goes to Co$ and their HONGRY coffers.

  6. Guest*6:02 AM

    It's know in the Sci world that Jordan and Giovanni are really dating..wink!

  7. Unemployable7:58 AM

    How low does a persons IQ have to be to go in for Scientology? Yeah, im an sp. Come get me, douchebags.

  8. Dumblesnore3:40 PM

    She's so damn plain. Likely she is looking for a relationship with another actor with name recognition in hopes that she'll get papped and keep her beige self out there.

    1. Then why you here stalking her?

  9. yeah he's a Scientologist.... say no more.

  10. Winnie3:13 AM

    I googled Emily Ward and found the website for her business. The pretentiousness of the business description is ridiculous: "As snow fell on New York City in the winter of 2012, two kindred spirits would join forces in the warm, wood paneled underbelly of an East Village bar. Louisa Pierce spied an impish beauty whose spirit and zest flowed freer than the whiskey that was keeping warm the rock and roll remnants of recent past and the It Girls of tomorrow. Emily Ward returned her gaze and they soon bonded over their love of Art Deco lines that swooped over the crush of peacock velvet into the swish of a floral drape only to be stopped dead in its tracks by the stark cool of a brass lamp."

  11. Sarah8:16 AM

    I can't stop laughing.

  12. The real Guest*4:12 PM

    @@Guest* I don't mind if you steal my name but enough with implying Jordan Masterson is gay. Anyway I think the EX that treated her like an ATM was Matt Hitt, easy to make that mistake as Matt was a beard not a boyfriend. By the way Emily Ward's business partner Louisa Pierce is married to Austin Scaggs, the son of Boz Scaggs. Boz Scaggs is yet another celebrity long rumored to belong to the COS yet never confirmed.

  13. Dakota and Xenu thick as thieves, bet on it.
