Sunday, May 14, 2017

Blind Items Revealed #3

May 4, 2017

This is not a salacious blind item, but it is an interesting look at people. This former model became famous for that former A+ list rapper she was “dating.” Later, she married another rapper and has tried her hand at reality tv and some bad acting. She has a unique look and when she goes out to a party says usually one or two guys will hit on her. The other night she changed her look and there was a line of guys wanting to speak to her. And the guys, who did want to talk to her were a 180 from the guys who usually talk to her.

Amber Rose wearing a brunette wig


  1. sandybrook2:44 AM

    Hos aren't models Entern.

  2. RenShaw3:51 AM

    You gotta hand it to her, she's enterprising.

  3. Mop top3:54 AM

    Yeah, when he said model, I was thinking of an entirely diffferent group. He should've said "model". wink wink

  4. Hot Cola8:05 AM

    She is beautiful.

  5. Cate Chandler8:17 AM

    I agree! She is just a naturally pretty person. I've thought this even back when she was bearding for Kanye.

  6. Dannette9:51 AM

    Lol stripper = model

  7. SnarkIsFun10:52 AM

    She's certainly pretty on the outside, although from what I've seen, her character doesn't quite match.

  8. Barbara RiceHand2:13 AM

    I wish she would grow her hair out. She looks amazing w longer hair. For some reason I get many thumbs down when I say this about her.
