Friday, May 12, 2017

Blind Items Revealed #4

May 1, 2017

If this foreign born former A list athlete was expecting a welcome back love fest from her fellow competitors she was mistaken. To a person they feel she got special treatment and she was not well liked before this all happened.

Maria Sharapova


  1. sandybrook2:45 AM

    My girl Eugenie Bouchard especially dislikes her. I wonder how Caroline Wozniaki feels about her?

  2. longtimereader3:08 AM

    Since a fair few of them are guilty of what she was supposedly caught for, they should STFU.

  3. Jessica3:26 AM

    She's not very good for a professional, but gets all kinds of endorsements and attention because she's tall with long blonde hair and russiann. They have never liked her.

  4. Unemployable4:37 AM

    A nice ass gets a pass...every muphuggin time, Baby.

  5. Unemployable4:43 AM

    And I gotta do this code shit every time I wanna post something? That requires effort, goddamnit!

  6. 8==D KermitGosnellKnobJob5:16 AM

    She was number 1 in 2005, and has won more than 30 titles, being 5 Grand slams. To put it into perspective, Caroline W (another number 1) has won 25 and 0 Grand slams.

    She may be a cheater or a dyke, but she was quite good for a time.

  7. Sarah6:25 AM

    It's so easy for everyone to sit on their high horse when a cheater is caught, but how many of them are doing the same thing she was caught doing? That's what really irks me. The hypocrisy of it all.

  8. texasrose7:37 AM

    Bouchard beat her this week somewhere I think. I see two commenters are back escort blind- are they one and the same???

  9. sandybrook9:09 AM

    Yes they are

  10. Scandi Sanskrit10:28 AM

    "She may be a cheater, but she was quite good for a time." Huh? And how do we know for sure those previous wins weren't also results of cheating?

  11. Scandi Sanskrit10:31 AM

    I think they're more irked that she's still getting special treatment despite already being caught.

    Talk about rewarding bad behaviour...
