Friday, May 12, 2017

Blind Items Revealed #5

May 1, 2017

This permanent A list singer from a group and solo made it clear she would not attend an event if any member of this reality family would also be there. The matriarch was there and our singer was ticked. I mean really ticked. There won’t be a big check this year from her or her husband.

Beyonce/Kris Jenner/California African-American Museum Gala


  1. sandybrook3:41 AM

    It would be nice if PMK and her whores were suddenly blackballed from all functions with the wealthy and high society. They bring nothing with them of value.

  2. I can't imagine many people will get a check from Bey and Jay this year.

  3. Perfectly put!

  4. Dumblesnore4:13 AM

    She's just reacting the way we all would at seeing members of that shitshow family anywhere.

  5. Sarah6:16 AM

    Listen, I don't blame Beyonce for feeling this way. But the truth is the Kardashians are relevant people in the entertainment industry and in pop culture in general right now. Having them at an event guarantees press coverage and exposure. Since Beyonce is at a similar, if not more elevated, level of fame, she's going to have to accept that this family will be at many if not all industry events she attends. Rather than being childish about it, simply act like they're not there. Not a good look on Bey that she wouldn't make a donation just because of who was on the guest list. I'm sure it has far more to do with the fact that cash flow for them is down and Tidal is tanking majorly.

  6. Gypsy Trill6:45 AM

    I am no fan of Bey but I despise that "K" family, so I don't fault Bey for this at all. If you lie with dogs, you're going to get fleas.

  7. SnarkIsFun7:46 AM

    @Sandybrook: Certainly agree with you! Still, I think that the lack of a large check to the museum has less to do with any K family members at the gala, and more to do with Tidal tanking, leaving the Carters with not having nearly the amount of $$ that they would like the world to believe that they have.

  8. I'm going to take Bey-ounce side on this.
    She was blindsided by the event organizers.
    No Check For Them!
    Nor next year, either!

  9. sandybrook9:07 AM

    Not an implausible idea! Good job Snark!

  10. Scandi Sanskrit10:09 AM

    Haha! Show of force! Show 'em, Bey! Love it! ♥

  11. Scandi Sanskrit11:07 AM

    Itchy, itchy thirsty fleas that suck your life and blood dry...

  12. Dutch3:25 AM

    I totally agree with Beyonce.

  13. trixareforkids11:45 AM

    She has a point!
