Friday, May 05, 2017

Four For Friday - Buying Babies - Old Hollywood

Back in the day, Hollywood celebrities didn't want to go overseas to get their adopted children, they wanted American babies. They also didn't want to wait in line or complete any paperwork. If at all possible they also wanted a third party or even a fourth party in the middle of the whole process. Adoption agencies tended to talk and studios would have to pay off money to keep the adoption agencies quiet about the biological parents of babies that actors and actresses were adopting. What to do. Well, one studio decided to partner with an "adoption agency" in the south. Only thing was that it was not a normal adoption agency. Sure, the babies that came from them were properly documented as being adopted, but it was everything else that was not quite above board. The babies were bought. The agency paid the pregnant woman and then sold the baby to some Hollywood actor/actress for a profit. A significant profit. Sometimes they would buy a baby for $500 and sell the baby for as much as $10,000.

Anyway, there was this actor who was probably B list back in Old Hollywood. He also wrote a bunch of songs. A bunch as in several hundred so he was a singer/songwriter too. He specialized in Westerns and even had a lot of other talents that made him money. He volunteered a lot with children but after the third or fourth parent complained about his touching their kids, he decided to find a different way to get kids. He found this agency through a very good friend of his who was an A+ list mostly movie actress. The next thing you know, our actor bought five kids over the years, all of them molested and abused throughout their entire childhood. Our actor died at a relatively young age and it is said one of his kids killed him.


  1. MontanaMarriott3:12 AM

    A+ List actress Joan Crawford??

  2. sandybrook3:15 AM

    Smiley Burnette

  3. Salaam3:21 AM

    The A+ is Esther Williams - this was hinted at in "Hail Caesar".

  4. MontanaMarriott3:22 AM


  5. Salaam3:22 AM

    Sorry, I meant Loretta Young - ScarJos chaacter was based on Esther, but her sotry was based on Loretta. Damn, you cannot edit something here once you type it.

  6. sandybrook3:23 AM

    No-- he fits for the adopted children and dying fairly young but it's said he died from keukemia

  7. Marci13793:26 AM

    Roy Rogers

  8. Simon3:27 AM

    Kris kristopherson?

  9. Simon3:28 AM

    New mind, he's still alive

  10. Udsctb3:30 AM

    Roy Rogers lived to a ripe old age. Not him.

  11. just sayin\'3:32 AM

    roy rogers mostly fits but he lived to be 86, so didn't die exactly young.

  12. Jessicail3:33 AM

    Art Accord, who died of poisoning in Mexico.

    Joan Crawford, smililng brunette who famously bought her kids.

  13. Salaam3:34 AM

    There's the leukemia story, but there's also stories that Smiley Burnette killed himself before he got too ill from the leukemia.

  14. just sayin\'3:38 AM

    if true, great sleuthing, because who's ever heard of art accord????lol definitely crawford for the actress, of course.

  15. just sayin\'3:38 AM

    sorry marci, didn't see your post

  16. just sayin\'3:39 AM

    anyone named "smiley" pings my pedo-dar.

  17. sandybrook3:41 AM

    I saw that too Salaam. I'm confused, he fits this blind perfectly except for cause of death. And I can't find anyone else to come close.

  18. Lurky McLurkster3:42 AM

    Tex Ritter (John Ritter's dad).

  19. NoseyNeighbor3:43 AM

    Georgia Tann operated the Tennessee Children's Home Society from the 1920s to 1950s.

  20. NoseyNeighbor3:44 AM

    Joan Crawford was one of her clients.

  21. sandybrook3:44 AM

    No songwriting credits or children listed? He did rodeo and mining.

  22. sandybrook3:48 AM

    The way this is going today " a cowboy dying fairly young "could be a 70 yr. Old because most of them lived till 80s or 90s?

  23. Salaam3:59 AM

    Fully agree, Sandybrook. I like him for this. But the cause of death is murky, which is odd.

  24. Guesser4:09 AM

    In the Wikipedia I looked up there was no mention of his children, even though they are mentioned elsewhere. Maybe they disowned him . It could be he was denied medical treatment by one of his children, or given poison when he was taking medicine. O even,since there were suicide rumors,assisted suicide. He did have leukemia, but that doesn't mean he died directly from it.

  25. police dog4:25 AM

    he should have been killed sooner.

    rapist should be raped as punishment. (and if they go to jail, they are daily)

    thats the end of it. justice behind bars because predators get bent over and a taste of their own evil.

  26. dianavonthirstybird5:25 AM

    Loretta Young, a devoted Catholic, managed to get knocked up by her co-star, Clark Gable. She hid her pregnancy (you could in those days) and only told her daughter when the daughter was grown. Ms. Young lived to be quite old and spent her golden years in Palm Springs doing daily charity work.

  27. Innocent children.May the molestors burn.WHY is the asshole NO NAMED?

  28. 8==D KermitGosnellKnobJob5:36 AM

    I will never read john le carré the same again, or watch the movies based in his books.

  29. Dave S.6:42 AM

    I agree--supporting evidence here:

  30. Guesser6:54 AM

    Yes,but it seemed like everyone knew,they would make remarks about her "adopting" a baby with big ears. Supposedly, Clark visited her in secret.

  31. sydguy9:38 AM

    Not him. He only had two sons

  32. Hot Cola9:52 AM


  33. sydguy10:00 AM

    I think B-list is the key here. I think it might be Rex Allen who died in the road accident. I'm not sure if being 77 is relatively young. Maybe comparing to other popular western singers/songwriters. He had 5 kids.

  34. Well...actually, most molesters were in fact abused themselves. They're just as scarred and damaged as any of their victims. I'm not providing excuses, but perhaps an explanation.

  35. Ettacettera12:29 PM

    Now they just hire women to have babies for them and hide until the kids are photo worthy

  36. Hothotheat12:53 PM

    Edna Gladney Home in Fort Worth. Famous baby sellers since 1887.

  37. Frank1:11 PM

    Several of his kids run his website, manage his estate, and control his business, so they aren't estranged.

  38. Brian2:58 PM

    In what universe would anyone call a 77 year old relatively young?

  39. Plenty of buying babies in current Hwood too.

  40. Oh I was so proud of my sleuthing skills I was about to post the same, haha. Here's another link:

  41. Jennifer12:02 PM

    The A list actress is definitely Joan Crawford. Not sure who the guy is....

  42. newtotheparty4:29 AM

    Could be Hoyt Axton. Actor in Westerns, singer/songwriter, was 61 when he died, five children. Don't know about the A-List actress though.

  43. French girl8:25 AM

    He adopted 4 children. Not 5. And more his children manage his memorial

  44. JabroniMaloney5:23 PM

    Not sure why you were down voted because this is true. As for the agency, it's highly well known that Georgia Tann sound baby's to movie stars.

  45. JabroniMaloney5:26 PM

    While this blind is fun and all, I'll bet good money the answer is what no one is expecting and none of the clues will fit.

  46. I believe you're right. If you search, you will find an article on regarding his son being arrested for trying to kidnap a 9 year old. Sexual abuse victims usually try to perpetuate the abuse.

  47. Whoever the Monster was...I hope he's being tortured in the same way he tortured those innocent kids.

  48. Smiley Burnett and his wife adopted 4 children from Tennessee and died of leukemia - everything else fits
