Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Your Turn

How old were you when you first went to school on your own? How old do you think kids should be before they go to their school on their own?


  1. dianavonthirstybird3:03 AM

    I was never allowed to go to school on my own. Girls in The South back in the 40s and 50s couldn't go anywhere without their mothers or a nanny going with them. It didn't bother me at all. We didn't know any better. Being fawned over till 18 rocks!

  2. sandybrook3:04 AM

    7, today 7 is too young, maybe 9. Where I am we have frequently had trouble with drivers pulling up to bus stops and either grabbing at them or offering them a ride. Most of those kids know to call cops maybe younger don't.

  3. cebii3:10 AM

    5. I walked 1/2 mile to kindergarten with my next door neighbor's son. We were on base, if that makes a difference. After my dad retired from the USAF, I walked to our neighborhood school alone or with neighbors until I got into band and had to carry heavy instruments. It's just the way it was.
    As for my kids, they don't go to our neighborhood schools, or they probably would have walked. It's only 2 blocks away. I guess it depends on your neighborhood.

  4. I was 5. In Russia it's 2 or 3. Moms get a paid maternity leave for 2 years.

  5. NoNotThatBeth3:18 AM

    I was in first grade, so about 7. I walked 8 blocks along a busy stretch of road - buses only came for those who lived more than a mile and a half from school. I can remember getting home and being soaked and frozen from snow - I was in second grade before I ever wore slacks to school - and hugely embarrassed because the other girls were all in dresses. So I'm old....

  6. Joel Theriot3:40 AM

    The second day of Kindergarten. There were probably 7 of us the same age in my neighborhood so we all walked together. No busy roads on our route. I was fortunate. Plus my mother wasn't going to be taking me that's for sure haha. Now, how about 18!

  7. Phyllis Whitweed3:45 AM

    Walked alone at 6. Shitty parents.

  8. Child3:47 AM

    Someone always took me to school except for the few times I drove myself in high school. Too far to walk

  9. Do Tell4:04 AM

    As long as they are on an official bus, 5 years old. Etan Patz changed everything about very young kids walking to school on their own.

  10. Do Tell4:04 AM

    *official school bus

  11. TopperMadison4:11 AM

    First grade. It was 7 blocks to school on non-thru residential streets. I also walked home for lunch. For the first three blocks, my mom could watch me coming and going. I always walked or rode my bike until I got my driver's license at 16. From then on, I drove.

  12. I lived in a suburb of Washington DC in the late 60's through mid 70's. We always walked as a group of about 8 kids with parents rotating weekly in accompanying the group til 5th grade...then the older kids became 'safety patrols' and we still walked together. There was about a block or two between us where eventually one person had to walk alone. I remember being terrified to be that person. Moved to Alabama and started on the school bus in 7th grade. My own kids never walked alone. Never.

  13. TopperMadison4:12 AM

    I also remember when the girls were finally allowed to wear jeans if it was snowing or cold out, otherwise dresses were mandatory. I was in 2nd grade. I'm an old, too.

  14. RenShaw4:15 AM

    Eight. A straight line walk with other kids about 3 miles. I wouldn't recommend that today for elementary school aged kids. Middle school or 12 and up.

  15. AndrewBW5:12 AM

    I walked to kindergarten when I was five, a bit more than half a mile. But that was a loooooooong time ago. No way I'd let my kid do that now.

  16. JustReading5:57 AM


  17. Sarah6:04 AM

    I took the bus to school until I was 17. That's when I got a parking spot in the high school lot and was able to drive myself.

  18. just sayin\'6:59 AM

    kindergarten. these days i wouldn't let a child walk to school. it's not worth the risk.

  19. Bodacious Ta-tas7:25 AM

    Age 5, walking 15 mins each way to my school. It was a different time back then, when you could do this, and other kids looked out for each other.

  20. Cookies7:27 AM

    Kindergarten (5 years old). Me and my best friend would walk together. Sometimes it was a bit scary if the high schoolers were hanging out smoking in the walk through to the main street but we actually had more trouble from the bull ants and swooping magpies.

  21. I was a bus kid, right through Grade 12. My kids walk or take the city bus starting in Grade 7, but only because the elementary school is too far for them too walk there.

  22. *TO walk there, dammit.

  23. Scandi Sanskrit10:41 AM

    I was on the bus in America, and always was in a pick-up service (like a private-run school minibus) in Asia until Grade 12, and then my parents had me driven by a chauffeur in undergrad. I did occasionally use public transport on odd days (sometimes if my parents found out, they'd get mad—once they even saw me in person and when I got home, I was in trouble). But it wasn't really until grad school that I was really "on my own" (hell, I got there by plane). It felt like going to Hogwarts and living in an Enid Blyton novel.

    When depends on where: If I perceived the town to be unsafe, I wouldn't let Baby Durian go to school alone.

  24. Scandi Sanskrit10:52 AM

    Oh, wait. Actually, that's NOT true: I was allowed to use public transport 100% of the time starting Grade 10. It's just that the undergrad school I attended had a bad reputation for students being spoiled hard-partyers, and my parents wanted to make sure I stayed in line and away from the bad influence (hence the chauffeur).

  25. Mom\'s Heart Attack11:42 AM

    I made an unauthorized attempt when I was almost 3, but couldn't find the school. In pre-K, I got left by my ride; so I successfully walked across a small town. Authorized walking started in K, when I was 4-3/4.

  26. Shortie2:42 PM

    College! Scary out there.

  27. Shortie2:43 PM


  28. TellMeLies3:52 AM

    QUESTION---I can't remember how I did it on my old account, but how do you register your account here so you can add a picture?
