Monday, June 19, 2017

Blind Item #11

Don't believe the hype. This singing/rapping married couple want another season of their reality show so are trying to make it look like they are together. By my count, the rapper has at least three women pregnant right now and has a woman living with him who is not one of the three.


  1. sandybrook4:32 AM

    Tiny and Ti

  2. Sexual Chocolate4:34 AM

    Rapper and Superheros, Not interested , see you tomorrow

  3. Geez, dude, you already have a litter of kids, get a vasectomy already.

  4. Megley5:46 AM

    You tell him, wifey!!!

  5. sd auntie6:09 AM

    Tiny is a talented songwriter and is reuniting with het old girl group. She does not need Mr. Harris and he really needs to get his act together. His music sucks, he opened a strip club and basically does not give a crap about his fUture. She needs to cut him loose, keep on with her group and she will be bigger and better in the long run. He will be broke in no time. Tiny and Candy has been added as a cowriter for Ed Sheerans body song so file those papers NOW.

  6. Bobbi Newhart6:34 AM

    A rapper who can't commit and has multiple baby mamas. Well, I am surprised!!!

    The ghetto lifestyle encourages this behaviour with men. You dont date a rapper and expect monogamy. Facty.

  7. smiller20007:33 AM

    TI and Tiny

  8. Renshaw3:26 AM

    He's not going to quit screwing so:
