Saturday, June 10, 2017

Blind Item #1

This A- list reality star/sex addict/drug addict/alcoholic is trying to close a deal so he has been passing out this celebrity offspring to potential investors.


  1. Sunspirit3:16 AM

    Scott Dipshit and Sofia Ritchie.

  2. Bodacious Ta-tas3:16 AM

    Scott Disick

  3. sandybrook3:17 AM

    Scott Dipshit and Sofia Ritchie

  4. Kourtney4:16 AM

    Disgusting...But Lionel is so proud.

  5. Pen-a-lope4:34 AM

    I wonder if Kourtney ever dreamed he would become a pimp when she started making babies with him.

  6. just sayin\'5:29 AM

    why is the teenage daughter of an international superstar a prostitute? i just don't get it.

  7. police dog5:29 AM

    she just needed the sperm, she doesnt care otherwise. he's disposable to her. (he's an asshole, not siding w/anybody)

  8. Sharlane7:41 AM

    Sofia Richie, Bella Thorne, that random 19 year old model from last year... my question is what teenage girl would want to be with a 35 year old sleazy addict with no real job and 3 kids... Sure, he has his reality show connections, but those girls are in the business too and can surely find men with better connections if that's what they're out for. I don't get it! He's not even hot LOL

  9. Hello8:44 AM

    Scott Dipshit...that's hilarious!

  10. texasrose9:32 AM

    Apparently no shortage of them that would want to.....

  11. she's not.. websites like these just build obvious and salacious narratives... the richie sisters are vapid and superficial but if you're filthy rich.. you don't prostitute especially not with gross older guys.. it makes no sense.

  12. ElleCee3:13 AM

    More money to buy drugs and keep the lifestyle at the same time.

  13. texasrose12:53 PM

    She wants to feel 'dirty'.

  14. Patrick7:09 AM

    The sisters aren't filthy rich. Their dad is. And, while I'm sure there is some nominal amount set up via trust fund for them, they are years from inheriting any real wealth. And I'd be willing to bet the trust funds are tightly controlled. For people who grew up in extreme wealth, a few hundred thousand dollars a year (the after tax take home from 5 million up to 15 million) isn't a lot of money. It is a fortune to us poors, but if you grew up in a mansion with access to unlimited (essentially) funds, living in a decent condo and having to watch your bills is a big comedown. I'm sure even "rich" people would supplement their income this way. Also, I'm sure some of these "investors" were good looking VC types in their late 20s. Not exactly a tough gig for Sophia.
