Sunday, June 11, 2017

Blind Item #2

Our favorite foreign born A+ list soccer player tried as hard as he could, but he finally broke down and was seen in public with his long time boyfriend. Of course, the beard was there too. He had to make some type of concession to his handlers.


  1. sandybrook2:48 AM

    So I didn't know Ronaldo was my favorite futbol player. Thanx for letting me know Entern.

  2. RenShaw3:22 AM

    I'm surprised Enty has not dished on him and his new twins via surrogacy. What's up with that?

  3. Wendy3:26 AM

    Yeah there are reports that he welcomed twins with a surrogate....Eva and Mateo are apparently their names?

  4. Marlo3:52 AM

    If there's one closeted celebrity - except for Travolta - who regularly pops out of the closet without any problem, it's Ronaldo.

    During a match last year, Atletico Madrid's player Koke taunted him by calling him a faggot, to which Cristiano replied: "A faggot yes, but a rich one"

    I like him.

  5. 8==D KermitGosnellKnobJob4:48 AM

    It is a good thing that you point that he is a foreign born real football player, there are too many US born these days.

    Marlo, CR literally said "un maricón sí, pero lleno de pasta, cabrón", which translates better than "a rich one" ("a faggot yes, but full of dough, bastard" would be a more precise translation, and a funnier one btw).

  6. Irena4:53 AM

    Who gives a shit?

  7. 8==D KermitGosnellKnobJob4:53 AM

    "Loaded with money", I think sounds better in English than "full of dough", sorry, temperatures are too high here.

  8. AyyPapi5:17 AM

    Give him time to read about it on the DM first.

  9. Marlo8:50 PM

    I stand corrected. I thought it was a great comeback.
