Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Blind Item #3

This former A+ list mostly movie actor had a long bumpy ride down to the bottom. He probably settled at B- which is about as low as you can go after being A+ list. After not working for a few years at all because of his issues, he has been doing some good work and finally managed to land a couple lead roles in potential television hits. One of them was supposed to be really big but he and the cast all got caught up in some drinking and using and now no one wants to make the show.


  1. Tricia131:46 AM

    Dennis Quaid/Fortitude?

  2. elle b2:03 AM

    Brendan Fraser

  3. sandybrook2:43 AM

    James Woods if not Fraser?

  4. Phyllis Whitweed3:21 AM

    Ray Liotta?
