Friday, June 02, 2017

Blind Item #5

Our favorite foreign born former A- list mostly television actress from back in the day turned drug addicted mess loves being recognized UNLESS she is talking to her drug dealer and then she freaks out. She has been known to drag him to bathrooms and lock or barricade the door until she is finished meeting with him.


  1. dianavonthirstybird12:47 AM

    If everyone knows the names of these dealers-to-the-stars, why aren't they behind bars? How much of their ill gotten gains go to attorneys and police officers? Amazing!

  2. sandybrook1:46 AM

    So back in the day now is the mid 2000s? What's the 1980s ancient history? 1960s is prehistoric times obvi.

  3. The Moral Crusader2:34 AM

    Why stop there? Half of Hollywood should be behind bars because of drugs, rape, child molestation, blackmail, etc.

  4. dianavonthirstybird4:38 AM

    So damn true! Thanx for reminding me.

  5. police dog6:45 AM

    i think of bryan singer and all the highprofile work he gets consistently...they literally made a documentary on him and his pedophilia parties.

  6. police dog6:46 AM

    LAPD is selective in their fights when it comes to this stuff....just look at $cio and their relationship with them.....

  7. Sarah6:55 AM

    Mischa is barely hiding her drug use as it is, so it shouldn't matter whether or not she's seen talking to her dealer. She is the absolute worst. Hates anyone to have a negative opinion of her when newsflash: the whole world already thinks you're a joke.

  8. Anonymous11:34 AM

    I just watched the Amy Berg documentary "AN OPEN SECRET: RAMPANT PEDOPHILIA IN HOLLYWOOD BABYLON" on YouTube.
    It was so disturbing. I know that the one guy that got caught for fraud was being honest about being abused, but he got caught for fraud, which had nothing to do with the child molestation case, but dropped his lawsuit against Bryan Singer anyway. I think someone got to him and paid him off or threatened him.

  9. You said exactly what I was just thinking. Clarification (and consistency) would be nice!
