Monday, June 26, 2017

Blind Item #5

This A list Academy Award mostly movie actor who is an Academy Award winner/nominee is tired of people talking about his weight so his PR people called in a bunch of favors and passed around some money and now magazines are gushing that he is super sexy.


  1. Tricia1312:46 AM

    Russel Crowe?

  2. MontanaMarriott12:46 AM

    Russell Crowe even though it doesn't say foreign born?

  3. MontanaMarriott12:48 AM

    Nevermind I think it's Jonah Hill

    Now I am curious how does he do it? Cocaine Benders or does he have a lap band put in? He goes up and down constantly that cannot be good for one's health.

  4. just sayin\'12:50 AM

    +1 i agree...lots of new photos of him dressed nicely walking down the street being casually (!) papped.

  5. French girl12:52 AM

    Jonah Hill.He again lost many weight

  6. French girl12:54 AM

    Just one question .Why repeats twice that the actor is Academy Award ?

  7. almondjoy12:58 AM

    It doesn't matter how much weight Jonah Hill loses--He is never going to be anything near to sexy--never never ever---cause you know--his face.

  8. Tricia1312:58 AM

    Ah was gonna say him b/c of recent pix... still can't get head around the A list part ...

  9. LizOz1:06 AM

    I see Jonah is getting some traction here, but what about his mate Brad Pitt (winner and nominee) as another option? Think there was a lot of noise about him dropping weight right after the split but the narrative seems to have changed lately... And would anyone buy Jonah as sexy?

  10. just sayin\'1:35 AM

    jonah's got a row to hoe before he's a sex symbol, but really aren't his past roles and poor fitness what make people automatically see him as a shlub? it's hard for a comic actor to morph into a lead but it's been done. when his face is slim he's nice-looking. plus talent is sexy. if he can keep himself in good shape and act more like an alpha male, stop taking goofball roles, the world could very well follow his lead. (ps i'm not his mom, lol.)

  11. just sayin\'1:36 AM

    a typo

  12. upvote for "I'm not his mom", hahahaha :)

  13. Guesser1:38 AM

    Calling Jonah Hill super sexy would be sarcasm, I think the flack Brad got over the weight loss is done, and he looks healthier lately.

  14. And also because of his assholeishness.

  15. almondjoy1:59 AM

    Yep that too.

  16. LizOz6:28 AM

    Ok I didn't want to believe it but consensus drove me to google "jonah hill hot" (so much regret) and the mismatch betwen the visual and the commentary is kind of hilarious. Are we going for irony here or have the standards dropped? Glad to see he's healthier but if this were a woman we were talking known it'd be a totally different story

  17. You know, I actually think Jonah Hill would get plenty of dates if he weren't such a toxic, entitled creeper who showed women an ounce of respect or could make a joke beyond a twelve-year old's idea of what's funny.

    His body and face are not the problem. His attitude and personality are.

    Plenty of chunky dudes get the ladies. I'd hook up with Bobby Moynihan in a heartbeat and get a load of the woman he's about to marry. Or some of the women Eric Stonestreet has dated. Even John Candy got beautiful women.

    Personality is where it counts.

  18. He's another Chris Farley just waiting to happen. There is NO WAY this constant weight fluctuation and cocaine use cannot be murder on his heart. It's so, so fucking dangerous.

  19. LizOz8:11 AM

    That was why I went off on the Pitt tangent ? A list really?

  20. police dog10:09 AM

    jonah hill is gonna die of a heart attack with this back and forth. no joke.

    we wont miss you dude. srsly.

  21. Camal192:44 AM

    Super sexy????? LOL!!! Absolutely not. Never.
