Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Blind Item #6

This foreign born actress is probably A- list. Each movie she has made has pretty much bombed but she wants to be known for much more than that pay cable show which is ending soon anyway. Her current boyfriend slapped her over the weekend in front of several other people while out of the country. It was during this proper cocktail party where everyone was in formal dress. She left the party with a friend. The whole party was quiet for a minute or two. People couldn't believe what they had just seen.


  1. Tricia131:03 AM

    Emilia Clarke

  2. ......1:51 AM

    I would have slapped him back.

  3. The Donald2:10 AM

    That's terrible. Someone should have cuffed him.

    She's awful on Game of Thrones.

  4. longtimereader2:39 AM

    Who is in the han solo movie which will be a monster hit. BTW i didn't know she had a bf.

  5. sandybrook2:44 AM

    I think it was supposed to be bearding for Kit Harrington, but there must be one on the dl. Or it's Lena Headey....

  6. I mean she dated James Franco? He's so desperate and gross.

  7. texasrose9:17 AM

    Who's the boyfriend??

  8. Hot Cola10:39 AM

    Or at least spilled my drink at him...

  9. Clarke's certainly not bearding for Harington, he's not gay. Possibly a heterosexual man-slut, but not gay. Kit's dating former co-star Rose Leslie; in fact, he mentioned on a British talk show a couple of days ago that he and Rose just moved in together.

  10. david7:47 PM

    Maybe she deserved it? Shouldn't really judge without knowing what led up to the slap.

  11. No, dumbass. No one is in control of another adult. You don't have the power to decide if someone deserves to be slapped and you don't have the right to slap them.
