Friday, June 30, 2017

Blind Item #6

This A list reality star continues to annoy. Her team is trying to sell to tabloids her idea for a book of the month club like Oprah's back in the day. The thing is though, our reality star barely even reads magazines.


  1. Tricia131:17 AM

    Kim is A+ right?
    Maybe Khloe or Kylie

  2. I thought this was a requirement: Wouldn't you have to know 'How' to read in order to have/hold a book of the month club?

    Okay, Mean!

    My apologies....

  3. sandybrook2:03 AM

    Kim KTrash already has a book of the month club with Chrissy Teigen so maybe one of the other 2 whores wants to start one.

  4. Simon2:42 AM

    I was thinking kris

  5. It can't be the Kardashians. They're far too busy staring at themselves in smart phone camera screens and seeking to fill that gaping hole in their self esteem on the internet

  6. 8==D KermitGosnellKnobJob4:19 AM

    KimK and teigen have a book of the month? Those must be even more childish than harry potter but shorters so their tiny amount of gray cells can afford to read one every month, I would put examples, but I do not know any of those in English (Where the wild things are, maybe? I know it has a lot of pictures to help those two understand the words).

  7. police dog7:15 AM

    mean, but true.

  8. police dog7:16 AM

    sometimes i remember there are human beings on this earth who are fans of this the people in this family

    and it makes me want to resign from humanity

  9. Scandi Sanskrit1:20 PM


  10. Observing facts is not "mean."

  11. zerooptions12:02 AM

    I don't watch their show, Honestly I don't even have cable tv.
    I did see them on some of the late night talk shows.
    It's my personal opinion that any book club they promote would have to be
    picture books, no words.
    Unfortunately their books would be only pictures of their grotesqueness.
