Friday, June 16, 2017

Blind Item #7

This B+ list actress/pro beard is apparently also available for a long term commitment from straight men who happen to be married. Specifically a very powerful politician.


  1. sandybrook1:51 AM

    Olivia Munn. I know there has to be answers here but I've seen none yet.

  2. MontanaMarriott1:51 AM

    Olivia Munn again?

  3. Random1011:52 AM

    The blinds today are so confusing!! Why does a married guy who is straight need a beard??? Only closeted people need beards. Also is you are gay and you are married isnt your wife your beard??? What you need two beards for???

  4. sandybrook1:53 AM

    And PM Trudeau of Canada because she can't be that pathetic to go after Cheeto.

  5. StarJones1:57 AM

    I guess she's committing to being a side piece? How accommodating!

  6. In the latter sense I think it means paod sex companion. Beard is just the other jib title.

  7. I'd give my left one for an edit button.

  8. Marlo2:12 AM

    So let me get this straight: she whores herself out, spreads for money, sucks for dollars, bends over for anyone who'll pay, but somebody smoking a joint in her vicinity is where she draws the line?

  9. MontanaMarriott2:20 AM

    LOL Yeah cus I saw nothing when I posted mine.... This site is something else lol

  10. Joel Theriot2:24 AM

    I always preferred Morgan Webb over Munn anyway.

  11. Sara Clue2:37 AM

    Jerry Brown for the politician? Or maybe Bill Clinton?

  12. Essca4:53 AM

    It's about image for her. She thinks people give a damn enough to care whether or not there's a joint near her. If she did not beard or fuck for roles, she honestly wouldn't have a career at all. Can't wait for her to age out of her gigs. She's pretty basic, not as good as a legit gorgeous beard like Leo's payroll. And who wants a woman over 30 for a beard girlfriend when you're famous?

  13. Do Tell5:28 AM

    Let's throw Obama, Andrew Cuomo, and Bill DeBlasio into the pool of candidates for "employer."

  14. Guesser5:44 AM

    She is a lousy beard, nobody paying attention thinks she was Aaron Rogers real girlfriend.,no one liked her,no one rooted for an engagement,fans didn't even feel strong enough about her to hate her.

  15. Sarah6:03 AM

    Olivia Munn only has a career because she uses the casting couch and beards professionally. She's not a good actress, she's nothing special to look at (kind of a butterface) and she doesn't have a good personality. I don't know anyone who is truly a fan or feels strongly about her one way or the other. She's just there. So it doesn't surprise me that she'd be a professional sidepiece just to keep her name in someone's mouth.

  16. police dog8:22 AM

    while her mouth is on someone's....


  17. Just4Fun9:48 AM

    Well, Rogers plays for Green Bay, which is in Wisconsin, so I'll say Paul Ryan, from Wisconsin and (of course Munn).

  18. Hortensia9:52 AM

    Mitch McConnell

  19. Sd auntie1:39 PM

    She does not want to get the munchies.

  20. Sharlane2:21 PM

    I think her face is stunning-- or at least it used to be before she got her buccal fat removed.

  21. Sharlane2:28 PM

    Well Olivia Mann obviously. As for the man... ooh this wil be a fun guessing game... Paul Ryan? Mitch McConnell (I don't think she'd stoop to that level though even for decent $$$... the man is vomitrocious in every way)? Justin Trudeau NOPE because he's way too busy in the public eye to be hooking up with a celeb and he's super devoted to his wife. McCain I doubt... Ugh idk. Probably Paul Ryan. Or maybe ill just imagine Steve bannon for a laugh.

  22. Random1013:09 PM

    It took me a few seconds to realise now she is prostituting herself. Coz bearding does not involve sex, it just hanging out with some dude who does not want to exit the closet. But providing your services to a married man for money is a different game. :(

  23. Liberaal Maar Niet Normaal7:51 PM

    Some random gold-digging ho and Vladimir Putin.

    Somehow I can totally picture Putin having a local mistress in every country he's trying to meddle with...

    Can't wait to see those Oliver Stone interviews (they're airing it here on NatGeo Asia starting June 22).

  24. Scandi Sanskrit7:52 PM

    OMG. What, are you saying? That Justin Trudeau isn't perfect?

    I guess his pretty, round butt's about to crack... Can't wait for that to happen.

  25. Scandi Sanskrit7:53 PM

    Oh, never mind. Putin divorced.

  26. Dannette10:31 PM


  27. Joel Theriot9:19 AM

    As to the politician, I'm going with Gavin Newsom. He's 'married' and 'straight'. Hey Now! But if it is Munn, the politician, based on a previous Munn reveal, is one that can be in LA every weekend without getting a bunch of attention. There just aren't a whole lot of california men that are very powerful now -- and even Newsom isn't that powerful really. That's all I got.

  28. I'm reading this as Munn (or whoever it is) is *available* for a specific politician... not that the politician has taken her up on it.
    That said, I'd guess she wants to do Bill Clinton.
