Friday, June 02, 2017

Blind Items Revealed #1

May 24, 2017

This weekly magazine, never known for its objectivity was paid $1M for several features about why this disaster of a made for television reboot was so amazing even though it sucked.

People/Dirty Dancing


  1. StarJones1:28 AM

    People magazine is 100% trash now.

  2. sandybrook1:43 AM

    Magazines are losing money big money any income helps.

  3. Kneepads5:47 AM

    Jen garner struck back at people mag (on her Facebook page) for the last cover and story they ran without her consent. She never even posed for that cover pic! They are no better than a tabloid but they pretend to be.

  4. Sarah6:44 AM

    This remake was atrocious. People should be embarrassed that they tried to run a positive piece on it.

  5. Maddie7:57 AM

    Yes, it was one of the celebrity mags I use to follow. Now it's fallen in line with the other gossip rags like Star.
