Sunday, June 25, 2017

Blind Items Revealed #3

May 27, 2017

Things aren’t getting any better between this foreign born A+ list mostly movie actor who is finally going to break away from his superhero franchise and his wife. That four or five months apart didn’t help like they thought it would.

Hugh Jackman


  1. Sunspirit2:11 AM

    Whatever happens to him whether him and his wife split or he comes out as gay etc. I'm still gonna like him.

  2. NoseyNeighbor2:56 AM

    I'm legitimately sad about that. 😔 They seemed like a good couple and I usually don't care about celebrity couples. I know the rumors but still....

  3. He's a stand up guy and he will be overwhelmingly respectful and decent, whatever happens. That's really all that matters.

  4. Wait, what? I have always heard he was closeted.

  5. Sally7:15 AM

    Agreed. He always seems so sweet and down-to-earth. I had a huge crush on him when the first X-Men movie came out.

  6. numoon67:27 AM

    couples spending periods of time apart only teaches each person how to live successfully as a single person - it doesn't 'make the heart grow fonder' - that's a bunch of claptrap.

  7. My suspicion is that both of them are closeted, but that doesn't mean they don't love each other, and value the family they've made. Breaking that up would be traumatic, even if the marriage isn't a conventional (sexual) relationship.

  8. Allison10:58 AM

    I agree. Either you get along or you don't.
