Monday, June 26, 2017

Blind Items Revealed #4

June 19, 2017

This foreign born A- list mostly movie actor has a very quiet reunion for the first time in a very very long time with his former co-star who is also an A- list mostly movie actress. The message boards will be hopping if a picture is released. They were seen by several other diners.

Robert Pattinson/Kristen Stewart


  1. MontanaMarriott2:48 AM

    Pattinson as A-? I can see FORMER A but everything he has starred in has flopped. Any successes were because he was part of an ensemble cast with much bigger names..

  2. sandybrook2:54 AM

    So they are friends bid whoop. I guess the twihards still want to believe they were a couple, but KStew pretty much washed that away.

  3. hothotheat2:59 AM

    Given that Stewart famously cheated with a man and broke up his marriage, I can totally see the Twihards thinking they are getting back together.

  4. Monroe3:22 AM

    These two are former A list, now more like B. Enty, please don't feed the twi-tards. They are worse than the conspiracy theorists who think Avril Levinge (too lazy to check the spelling) died.

  5. Like she would'nt call the papz if it has ever happened... she depends on him to be relevant and thats why she can't let him go in all these recent interviews. If they've met, it was for her to stop talking about him when he's heading to marriege...

  6. Serendipity6:28 AM

    "Given that Stewart had an affair with a man who broke up his own marriage" fix that for you. I'm not saying she is in the right on that situation, just that he was responsible for breaking up his own marriage. She broke up her own relationship. Everyone is responsible for their own bad behavior.

  7. Dannette8:59 AM

    They are more like a weak C

  8. I think they have always been good buds and nothing more. She's always been a lesbian and he's always been a loosey-goosey, good dude. Twilight and the relationship shite was a hot mess we all need to forget about.

  9. police dog9:54 AM

    wild concept: they are good friends.


    ugh, people. get over it. she's gay. the moment I saw her as a 10 year old in Panic Room, I knew she was gay (alone w/jodie foster DUH, who hadnt 'come out' yet, not that she needed to since everyone knew)

  10. police dog9:55 AM

    that was a setup.

  11. Brooklyn Girl10:21 AM

    I really liked them as a couple.
    I loved the twilight books & films.
    No haters, please, I loved them.

  12. Kikifab10:55 AM

    I agree with you, Serendipity! Bizarre how people blame the woman for breaking up a relationship while totally ignoring the man's role in the affair.

  13. Hopper11:46 AM

    You got that right. She has the paps on speed dial. If he ever got within 10 feet of her, she'd call them. This reveal has zero credibility. In the first place, he just admitted at Cannes last month that they aren't in touch and don't see each other any more.

    In the second place, if they were going to meet, it wouldn't be in a public restaurant. She may be stupid, be he isn't. He has avoided being anywhere near her where they could be photographed for four years. He's not going to a public restaurant where everyone has a camera in their cell phone.

    No one tweeted or got a pic of this fake meeting, so it never happened. Sounds like desperate fanfic from HKN. She can't stand the fact that Kristen is going through lesbian lovers like tissues.

  14. No, it wasn't a set up. She's cheated on everyone she's ever been with, she's a serial cheater.

    She lost a $10 million paycheck from Universal for her affair with Rupert, and he lost his job and was out of work for 3 years. There is no "set up" with that outcome, and it's ridiculous to suggest it. She cheats, it's pretty simple. She doesn't even care who knows it.

  15. No, she KNEW he was married when she chose to have an affair with him. She's just as responsible as he is. It takes two to have an affair. Rupert didn't cheat by himself.

    She's a homewrecker, plain and simple. She went on to cheat on Alicia with Agathe and on Agathe with Soko. Soko called her out for cheating with Alicia--and then she cheated on Alicia with St Vincent. She's a serial cheater, it's not a secret.

  16. Charlotte11:53 AM

    Bizarre how her Twilight fans continue to make excuses for her inexcusable behavior. She knew his wife and kids. You have to be really cold-hearted and cruel to cheat with a man when you are acquainted with his wife and kids. No morals at all.

    She's gone on to show the whole world that she's a serial cheater. Rob was lucky to get out when he did and we're lucky because we'll never see him near her again. Smart man.

  17. They aren't friends, he said a month ago he doesn't see her and is not in touch with her. He's engaged, he knows she's toxic and has nothing to do with her.

    In the first place, he mostly lives in London and she lives in LA. They're almost never in the same city. He ghosted her at the Met Gala last year--she had to watch on the red carpet while he posed with his finacee. If they were still friends, they would have posed together that night, or at least been seen near each other. He avoids her like she has the plague.

  18. Toledo12:00 PM

    Actually, no. Everything he's been in, rather starring or supporting has been a critical success. His last 3 films all have very high scores on Metacritc and Rottentomatoes. He's been doing excellent work, and just won the best actor prize from the critics at Cannes last month for Good Time, his crime film that comes out in August. He's been getting Oscar buzz. He always was a good actor, he just doesn't do mainstream films.

  19. Except they aren't good friends. They haven't been photographed together since Oct. 2013, and last month at Cannes he flat out said he hasn't seen her and they aren't in touch. The last thing he wants is to be connected to her. He sees her live out her messy private life in front of the paps (she's in the Daily Mail all the time with her string of lesbian lovers). Why would he want to be linked to her? She's a circus and he's been engaged for two years, in a stable relationship, doing great work in films while her career continues it's downward spiral.

  20. If you're a good bud with someone, don't you see them or talk to them? Rob gave an interview at Cannes last month where he flat out said he hasn't seen her and they aren't in touch.

    He can't make it much plainer than that. He doesn't want anything to do with her. Given how sloppy she's become with her personal life, is it any surprise? She was always too immature for him and he got tired of babysitting her. She's still acting out, unable to handle success. That's not what he wants in his life.

  21. I never thought they were a couple, I thought they were friends with benefits and she exploited that to get publicity for herself, since Twilight was all about him. He never admitted he had any kind of relationship with her, no matter what she said. Then she goes getting caught cheating in public with her married director, and drags Rob into it with her over the top public apology. He went thorough with the Breaking Dawn promotional tour, but she killed whatever they had when he found out what a liar and cheater she was. I always thought he was slumming with her, she's such trailer trash--always looking like she needs a shower, wearing the most grungy clothes, swearing like a sailor, flipping the bird, and cheating on everyone--you couldn't take her anywhere.

  22. What would yoou call the actor who won the best actor award at Cannes last month? The critics love him and his new film, Good Time. He's always been A list, he's just refused to do mainstream movies. Dior pays him $10 million a year to rep them--you think they pay C list people? He's making a film with Scorsese producing next year, he only works with the best directors. A list doesn't mean being in your face all the time. It means having the power to get films greenlit, and he has that.The difference is, he doesn't have a PR flack shoving him down everyone's throat. He's happy to do the work, he's not an attention whore.

  23. You're half right--she peaked in 2015 & has been going downhill ever since. He's getting Oscar buzz for Good Time & she was in the biggest flop of last year, BillyLynn'sLongHalftimeWalk. Sony lost a ton on that & she's been making films that go straight to VOD--that's C list. She's making low budget horror movies & disaster films--everyone knows what that means. She isn't being offered anything better.

  24. LOL, you can keep voting down the plain truth, but it won't change anything. You know he said on the record that they aren't in touch. He doesn't want her.

    She's not Bella and she never was. She's a proven liar and serial cheater. She's shown she will cheat with both men AND women. What man in their right mind wants that? Certainly not Rob. He's well rid of her, and defending such a low life is not a good look on you old ladies.

  25. Chess4:28 PM

    I wouldn't be surprised if Kristen was the dork who sent this fake item in. She would do anything to be linked to him, even after he's made it plain he wants nothing to do with her. She's desperate for attention. Her career is really in a downward spiral. She had 3 flops last year, and one of them went straight to VOD. She has nothing in theaters this year, she was out of work for 10 months last year. She isn't being offered anything good. She's making low budget junk. She has no other films lined up, she's not in demand. She's a one trick pony and audiences never warmed to her.

  26. Zooey5:37 PM

    Oscar buzz? Oh please. And he did NOT win Best Actor at the Cannes Festival last month. Look it up. He's doing excellent work in small quirky little indies that don't do any business. Good for him. He has the Twi money and instead of doing brainless superhero movies he's working on good tiny films. But why you Twi fans have to over exaggerate everything is beyond me.

    As for this blind? It's ridiculous. If these two got within a hundred yards of one another there would be a zillion blurry iPhone pictures. Looks like the Twi fans who can't get over the fact that these two aren't the characters they played in the movie are spending their time sending "tips" to Enty.

  27. lol


    Gotta feed those Twi-hards, I guess, huh Enty?

  28. ExaggerateMuch8:59 PM

    Everything he's been in has been a critical success? Really now? I only see 1 award in his bucket since Twi movies. That 1 award was a Hollywood Rising Star Award, which he had already been acting for 10 years when he received which was stupid. All his movies have flopped in the box office ($ wise). Where are all his critic awards or nominations? Stop exaggerating.

  29. You mean like the way Twigs calls the paps every single time she's in town with Rob? I'm not sure who is quicker on the draw for calling the paps, Kristen or Twigs.

    By the way, if Robert was over Kristen, there would be no need to "avoid being anywhere near her", especially if he could care less. If he was over Kristen, he wouldn't give a crap what she did or how embarrassing she is. He wouldn't even need to avoid any location Kristen would be at.

    Perhaps the blinds should focus on why supposedly Robert and Twigs got engaged after less than 6 months of dating and now, 2 years later, he still hasn't married her. What was the rush for the engagement if neither had the time for marriage? Or perhaps the blinds should focus on why Twigs took off supposed engagement ring 18 months ago?

  30. LMAO june 19th? they weren't even in the same country and she's always with her GF but nice try robsten shippers, hope dies last i guess.

  31. If he avoids her, he isnt over her, if he is in the same place/city they are friends/getting back together, neither way he wins, so why give power to the twihard baby crew? They went to the same MET Gala and they went crazy and he was with his gf...
    And twigs clearly call he papz to the most common places known by then.
    Some people dont get married straight away, there's nothing to it... bs

  32. jamie1:41 AM

    As someone who barely follows these two? I see pap pics of KStew at least once a week, while I pretty much go months without seeing Rob or FKA Twigs. This is not a hill you want to die on. There's no comparison. Stewart clearly LOVES pap attention.

  33. As I stated (please re-read since you seem lacking in the comprehension level), when Twigs is in town with Rob). Now granted, Twigs isn't always in town with Robert (and lets face it, they are apart more than they are together), go back and look WHEN THEY ARE IN THE SAME TOWN AT THE SAME TIME), and you will see pap pics every single day during that time. this is not a hill you want to die on yourself. There is definitely a comparison. Twigs may not love the paps, but she most definitely loves the attention it brings her.

  34. May may2:27 AM

    They were seen by several other diners and no one mentioned that?. Lmfao! This blind item is bullshit. Why lie to get twihards hopes up. Rob killed their hopes when he said in cannes that he doesn't talk to her anymore. Now his fiance will get harassed even more because of this Lie

  35. Joaquin Phoenix won the best actor award.

  36. Alice3:50 AM

    You can lie, but facts aren't your friend. R & T were in London following Cannes for a week & there were no pap pics of them. They live together & yes, they spend most of their time when they aren't working together. They both stay off the radar and are as low key as possible. She's not the one with the paps on speed dial. Kristen & Stella are in the Daily Mail almost every day. It's not T's fault if the paps catch her leaving a hotel in NY. She doesn't parade for them on a daily basis the way Kristen the famewhore does and no matter how much you lie, you have no evidence to back it up.

  37. Alice3:53 AM

    No, that's simply not true. They live together in London and usually go for up to 6 weeks without being papped. Of course they're papped more in L.A., there are more paps there in the neighborhood where they live, as compared to where they live in London. Rob chose Twigs & they've been together for 3 years now. He doesn't want Kristen back, so you can stop lying about Twigs. Just accept his choice and move on. Kristen prefers her lesbian girlfriends anyway. Rob doesn't have the equipment she's interested in.

  38. Rosie3:57 AM

    Yeah, he's over her. He avoids her because she's the tabloid queen, in the Daily Mall several times a week. Rob has said that's not what he wants. Kristen has a trashy reputation--why would any man want to be linked to her? He avoids her because her life is a 3-ring circus and he doesn't want to be drawn into it. She's a mess--plus, her fans can't get over him, they want him to take her back & a pic of them together would just fuel "reunion" stories, and that's his nightmare. He's said they're not in touch--why would they be? She betrayed him in public then continued to use him to get her career back. He got over her years ago.

  39. Toledo4:05 AM

    Phoenix won the best actor at the festival, Pattinson won the ICS (International Cinephile Society) award for best actor, and they're a group of over 100 critics who see every film at the festival. It's a very prestigious award, and he also won the IndieWire critics poll after the festival for best actor. So all the critics disagreed with the festival's choice of Phoenix. And Pattinson is getting Oscar buzz from several critics.

  40. Toledo4:08 AM

    Yes, all his films since Twi have been critical successes -- Cosmopolis, The Rover, Life, Maps to the Stars, Childhood of a Leader, Lost City of Z -- all critical successes. The scores are online, it isn't up for debate. He hasn't chosen mainstream films so he hasn't been expected to rack up box office. But when he does mainstream work, he attracts box office. Both Water for Elephants & Remember Me were profitable, earning over 3 times their production budgets. No one needs to exaggerate about his career, you need to stick to the facts. He's also won over 30 awards, from Deauville to Hollywood and Cannes. Look it up instead of making it up.

  41. Toledo4:14 AM

    Yes, he won the ICS award for best actor at Cannes. Look it up I didn't say he won the festival prize, I said he won the ICS award and he did. He also won the IndieWire critics poll for best actor. All the critics preferred him to Joaquin Phoenix. The Lost City of Z did business, it's earned over $15 million and it's still in theaters worldwide, so it's still earning. No one needs to exaggerate about him, but you do need to be more accurate. You're right about this blind tho, it's totally fake. He won't get within a mile of her, she's toxic and he knows it.

  42. Hopper4:24 AM

    Rob cares about his reputation and his image, that's why he avoids "Kristen the trainwreck Stewart." She lives out her messy private life in front of paps--making out with Soko in the street, grabbing Stella's ass for the paps--he wants nothing to do with that. He got over her a long time ago and he's watched her cheat on everyone she's been with since him--she proved she can't be trusted not to cheat with men AND women. That's why he doesn't want to be seen with her--she's a toxic mess. You notice no man wants to be seen with her, lol. She killed any chance that Rob might take her back by showing what a serial cheater she is and by having the paps on speed dial. He lives his life the complete opposite of the way she lives hers.

  43. Brand4:32 AM

    Many of her Twilight fans can't accept her for who she is. "It's a phase," "she's just acting out, she'll get over it," etc. Lesbians knew she was gay since Panic Room. They've had a thread on L'Chat about her for the past 10 years, since Adventureland. Twi fans bought into the Twilight fairy tale, but K never loved Rob, she just used him to get publicity for herself. If she had loved him, she never would have cheated on him with Rupert Sanders. She's proved she doesn't have it in her to be faithful to anyone, since she's cheated on all her partners. The only one she loves is herself. Rob is well rid of her and he knows it.

  44. Did he win, congratulations to him. Also congratulations to him for his Oscar buzz. Kristen has had the same buzz. Why do people pit them against each other? What and how does his Oscar buzz and her Oscar buzz hurt the other? Both seem happy.

  45. Proof? Please provide a convo, something verifiable from L'Chat that was 10 years ago (from 2007, when Kristen was 17). I always see people like you make these claims, but when I ask for actual proof, physical evidence is never provided. And if she was a lesbian all along (from Panic Room time on), then why would she cheat with Rupert Sanders? If she was/is a lesbian, it would make more sense to cheat with Liberty Ross.

  46. No man wants to be seen with her? You do realize that she has alot of male friends right? If you're talking about dating men, if she's a lesbian, then you're right, she wouldn't be with a man. Are you that clueless?

    And Kristen grabbing Stella's ass for the paps? Have you totally forgotten about Robert grabbing Twigs ass right in front of the paps and even smiling and laughing about it? Pic proof is out there if you've forgotten.

  47. I did look it up. Name his awards post-twilight. Deauville American Film Festival and International Cinephile Society Award. THATS IT. By the way, post-twilight means anything AFTER 2012. Not nominations but WINS. Show me. These are facts that can be proven by both IMDb and Wikipedia. It is you who is exaggerating.

  48. janelle5:37 AM

    She probably didn't know she was gay when she was younger. It was probably partly why even she admits she was anxious and miserable back then. I'd say it'd also explain why she'd cheat with a married father of two, but lbr, she's cheated on everyone she's dated male or female, so figuring out her sexual identity doesn't seem to have been a factor in that. But if you're really going to pretend their haven't been gay rumors about her from the moment she became even semi-famous, you're kidding yourself.

  49. janelle5:40 AM

    Kristen and her gf's get papped more during a few months of dating than Rob and FKA Twigs do during years of being together. Give it up.

  50. Brand6:30 AM

    The KS threads on L'Chat are archived, they go way, way back. Try Google search, it's easy. You think they just noticed she was gay 5 years ago? They've always known and they insist gay because they hate men. So she's bisexual, so what? It just means she will have sex with both men & women, she doesn't have to be in love, she proved that with Rupert. LOL, Liberty Ross wouldn't have been interested. She's straight. Kristen has always known she preferred women, she used men for her career.

  51. Obvious6:37 AM

    In 2009 she told GQ that she always identified as a male, until she was into her teens. She thinks like a man. She told them her first romantic crush was on Natalie Portman, a woman. She kissed and made out with Nikki Reed all through 2008 until Summit told her to cut it out (and K was supposed to be with Michael A at the time). You think Alicia was her first lesbian experience? Think again. She's always known she was into women, she just hid it to further her career. There's plenty of proof, you just can't accept her for who she is.

  52. Hopper6:43 AM

    She's been with both men and women and claims to be bisexual. As for dating men, no man wants to be with her. No man with any self respect. She's been on the market since 2013 and has never been seen dating a man. Personally I think she prefers women but the point is, men aren't going after her. They're seen what a cheat she is, they know she can't be trusted. The women who date her are stupid as well. She cheats on all of them. The paps who got pics of R and T were far away, they didn't know they were there. That's the only time you can point to a pic like that--they aren't big on PDA.

  53. Toledo6:52 AM

    Why do her fans keep trying to compare them? She doesn't have Oscar buzz. Her movie flamed out in March, it was a huge flop at the box office. Simply good reviews aren't enough to get an Oscar nomination. There are a dozen actresses with real Oscar buzz, in movies that will be nominated. I'm not even sure her movie is eligible, since it premiered in 2016 at the NYFF. She's not a factor in the Oscars this year, he is. Her fans need to learn how to accept defeat.

  54. ParkerInTheShade7:14 AM

    Fake News

  55. Toledo7:17 AM

    As I said he's been on a roll with the critical success piling up, going from strength to strength. He won the critics award at Cannes, and the IndieWire critics poll, both very prestigious. His career is going full blast, with 5 new projects in development with top directors and genuine Oscar buzz It's obvious his success hurts you. You need to ask yourself why.

  56. Tatts7:42 AM

    Kristen has no buzz, Oscar or otherwise. Personal Shopper isn't even eligible, it was released in 2016, according to IMDB. Also, the distributor is IFC and they aren't going to mount a campaign on a film that was released last year and is already out on dvd. That ship has sailed. Her career is in a downward spiral and her messy personal life constantly being in the tabloids isn't helping. The Academy has never liked her, they didn't even invite her to present last year or go to the afterparty.

  57. Serena8:29 AM

    So many people thought she was a little boy in Panic Room. There was never anything feminine about her. She walks like a man and always has. She even said Woody Allen told her to walk like a girl because she had been swaggering around the set of Cafe Society and hadn't bothered to create a character, he was just playing herself yet again--a woman leading a young man on while she had an affair with an older, married man. Again, no acting required for that role. Chanel can put make up and dresses on her, but we all know she prefers torn tee shirts and skinny jeans, as if she was a 15 year old boy.

  58. Far away? the paps were 10 feet at most away from Robert putting his hand on Twigs butt. GMAFB

    http://www *

  59. Hopper2:48 PM

    The pap was down the street. I guess you've never heard of long lenses. Check out the zoom on Youtube, they can be a half a mile away. You know, the way they got all the pics of Kristen hooking up with Rupert. They were on the other side of the canyon when they got those pics, not ten feet away.

    Rob and T are not known for PDA like that, they had no idea the paps were there. But you missed point entirely. K plays grabazz with Stella all the time, and she calls the paps. It's ridiculous.

  60. I don't know all the ins and outs of when they've talked to each other as I am not a stalker and also have a life. Hot take - they sometimes talk and text and it's not in the newspaper or on Entertainment Tonight.

  61. He was asked directly last month on whether he's seen her and if they're still in touch and he said no. He hadn't seen her and they don't keep in touch. They don't text. He cut her off.

    He's been engaged for awhile now, and most men don't keep in touch with their exes, especially one who keeps trying to use him to get publicity for herself.

    So the reality is he's not in touch with her and he wants the world to know it, otherwise he wouldn't have SAID he's not in touch with her. She's toxic and he knows it.

  62. Funny, to have the same people post pro Rob statements, all with different Names

    You are not fooling anyone.God, Twihards and Rob or Kstew supporters are so insane.The Rob and Kstew fans just consume eachother and hey just make crap up to try to make the other look bad. NO, BOTH of them have not been successful after Twilight.Rob won an award?? big whoop, so did Kstew in Cannes for that french movie, again big whoop. An award doesnt make a movie or actor good. Awards are bought and paid for. A very old example of this is this..Does the Golden Globes where Pia Zadora won for best newcomer ring a bell?and no, she was GODAWFUL in the movie she won for
