Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Today's Blind Items - Quick Hits

#1 - Part of the money issues this A+ list couple are having is the money they invested with a foreign business person who was essentially running a Ponzi scheme.

#2 - This former tweener producer who got an A list tween at the time pregnant found a new way to molest young girls and teens. He started a YouTube camp where the teens pay money to get lessons from him on various things. During the lessons he has them change outfits numerous times and films them doing so. He also talks to them about any interest they have in acting and loves talking about sex scenes and those who are responsive he invites back to his place.

#3 - This former Vampire Diaries actress literally threw things when she found out her suite was not the best one in the hotel.


  1. MontanaMarriott3:11 AM


  2. MontanaMarriott3:11 AM

    2. Dan Schneider?

  3. MontanaMarriott3:12 AM

    3. Dobrev?

  4. sandybrook3:13 AM

    3-nina dobrov
    2 Dan Schneider?

  5. MontanaMarriott3:17 AM

  6. sd auntie5:01 AM

    Dan Schneider makes me want to vomit.

  7. Do Tell5:11 AM

    TMZ running another phony BeyJay real estate story, this time how they're ready to buy in Bel Air. Uh huh.

  8. numoon69:50 AM

    I don't buy the 'ponzi scheme' story - those two are idiots about money and don't have a lick of sense between them! If there was some new scammer out there, I would have heard about it by now from my own sources and there's not. She's not smart or involved whatsoever and he's BEEN drunk on drug and 'free' money for EVER!! They've BEEN living beyond their means for a long time and it's catching up with them.

  9. Antonio4:21 PM

    Why won't someone turn Dan Schneider in, seriously.
