Sunday, July 09, 2017

Blind Item #1

Several men and women are threatening to sue this former A+ list mostly movie actor who is probably B list right now only because of his Academy Award win/nomination. He never likes to use protection and has been spreading a few different STD's.


  1. Thesenamesagain1:56 AM

    Jared Leto!

  2. sd auntie2:06 AM

    Vomit. Must be the herp or warts. Ewww

  3. Tricia132:06 AM

    Mickey Rourke

  4. Mishka2:33 AM

    Jared Leto and his skank brother Shannon will be added to the litigation as well.

  5. Paige3:13 AM

    This should be revealed as a PSA.

  6. Marianne3:37 AM

    Like seriously in today's day and age why would you not insist on using protection...and ewww!!
    Furthermore he should be sued!! And the men and women need their heads examined as well.

  7. SOMEONE3:49 AM

    Jared Leto

  8. 8==D KermitGosnellKnobJob4:39 AM

    Jared Leto is the Joker in one of the blockbusters last year, the low rating does not fit.

    I like the Rourke bet better.

  9. police dog5:48 AM

    jared leto / shannon leto (his brother in their band)

    also heard leto has banged underage girls. I would LOOOOOOOOVE for him to become a sex offender legally

  10. And hes in Blade Runner 20whatever this year.

  11. Thats nasty. But what do you expect from somebody who sleeps with any and everything that walks.

    Makes you wonder if he passed it to his brother too when they shared that groupies mouth.

  12. BlissBoo7:49 AM

    As much as I like Jared's acting and music (but not him as a person), in what world is Jared "A+"? He isn't. I don't believe Micky was either. As much as this BI sounds like Leto, with that rating, it has to be someone else.

  13. texasrose8:20 AM

    Probably him but Leto was never A+ even with oscar.

  14. Renshaw9:06 AM

    +1 Leto. That new gono strain is scary as hell. No cure.

  15. Sir Anthony Hopkins. Men got It from their wives and girlfriends.

  16. Susannah9:44 PM

    In what world would anyone bang Mickey Rourke? This is 2017, not 1987
