Sunday, July 16, 2017

Blind Item #2

Apparently this foreign born former A list singer/reality star everywhere but in North America where she peaked at maybe B+ loves being with guys who are either closeted or beat her and cheat on her. No other reason to get back with this foreign born mostly movie actor. The guy treated her worse than any other guy but she must have forgotten.


  1. donna2:18 AM

    Kylie Monigue and Olivier Martinez

  2. French girl2:19 AM

    Kylie Minogue and Olivier Martinez.She always praised him

  3. French girl2:20 AM

    Kylie Minogue and Olivier Martinez.

  4. Sunspirit2:30 AM

    He also stuck by her when she had breast cancer.

  5. sandybrook2:49 AM

    French Girl I hope you had an enjoyable Bastille Day even if Cheeto was in your country.

  6. sd auntie3:42 AM

    I think he cheated on her afterwards. Handsome guy!

  7. 8==D KermitGosnellKnobJob4:59 AM

    I remember when the INXS (sp) bloke said that his favourite hobby was sullying/corrupting her. I suppose that was not bad for her after all.
    After that, he died a bizarre death.

  8. French girl5:51 AM

    Thank you.I worked but Daft Punk played by military orchestra was fun and Orange Cheeto 's face was priceless

  9. Hot Cola7:14 AM

    Kiley Minog and that ex hale berry guy.

  10. I met Kylie several times, she's a lovely woman.
    Some girls just have terrible taste in men.

  11. Astara12:28 AM

    Luckily you didn't get enriched by more vibrant middle eastern diversity like last Bastille Day. But Trump is the problem! Not your new rulers. I wonder how many more Bastille Days until you're under sharia law? Then maybe they'll rename it "Muhammad Day" and you guys can do cool stuff like mutilate women, toss gays off rooftops and have relations with goats! Gee, too bad we have that evil old Trump to try and keep it from happening here! God he's such a bigot!! Maybe Sandybrook's fetish is being tossed off a building?

  12. TellMeLies3:54 AM

    I love Kylie SO MUCH and it makes me so sad to see all of her failed relationships. She seems so genuine

  13. Robert8:34 AM

    There is no way to minimize the disaster this nation was conned and cheated into upon the fraudulent election of corporate criminal Donald Trump. The nation will be fortunate to avoid being dragged into war by this grifter as part of his non-stop "wag the dog" modus operandi.

  14. AprilInParis12:27 PM

    Trash. You are pure, low class, uninformed trash. You should keep your filthy, vulgar and violent rants to yourself you dirty hog.

  15. AprilInParis12:29 PM

    Off to You Tube to find Daft Punk's performance as I had no idea they performed! Love me some Daft Punk!
