Thursday, July 13, 2017

Blind Item #3 - ESPYS

This closeted A list mostly movie actor had his people spinning a yarn about how he is dating this B+ list mostly movie actress. He wanted all the stories from the night to be about their budding romance. Our actress, who is not above a publicity relationship, didn't seem to want to be linked to our actor though.


  1. Tricia1312:06 AM

    Jeremy Renner/Elizabeth Olsen

  2. […] This closeted A list mostly movie actor had his people spinning a yarn about how he is dating this B+ list mostly movie actress. He wanted all the stories from the night to be about their budding romance. Our actress, who is not above a publicity relationship, didn’t seem to want to be linked to our actor though. The post Blind Item #3 – ESPYS appeared first on CRAZY DAYS AND NIGHTS. Source: Blind Item #3 – ESPYS […]

  3. He's old enough to be her father. Why would she be interested in him even if he were straight?

  4. Random10112:41 AM

    Have you seen the men her older sisters are dating /married??? All older men. There are some daddy issues in that house i think!!

  5. A lot of people seem to think Renner is gay. But he hit on me years ago and did not seem gay to me.He was always at Barneys Beanery with lots of ladies.His lifestyle does seem questionable though.

  6. Tricia1312:59 AM

    Good question!

  7. Shorny12:59 AM

    If I remember right Barneys Beanery, had a reputation in the 80's for being homophobic to gay customers/employees.

  8. Becca1:21 AM

    They are just friends. They are neighbors, they were together for each other's birthdays and I have seen photos of her hanging at his home. The paps might think they are a couple because they turned up at an event a while back together, but they probably just shared a car because they came from Renner's birthday party.

  9. Heather Duke3:47 AM

    How is this about the ESPYs?

  10. Jamie Foxx was at a few Espy Awards parties. This could be him.

  11. Patrick6:43 AM

    I think he's bi. The Gay talk came out at a time when Renner's star was on the rise, and rival managers/publicists/agents were trying to kill competitors for their own clients. He's bi, which isn't much better/worse in the eyes of the movie going public (for those folks that care about that sort of thing) which ended Renner's leading man aspirations and shoved him firmly back to supporting status.

  12. police dog12:24 PM

    tom holland & zendaya?

    i didnt watch the espys tho

  13. Becca3:20 PM

    Tink's description exactly matches the low level gossip which still follows Renner around but never makes it into the gossip rags. Even this week a party girl put some pictures from inside his house on instagram, but he never allows himself to get photographed alone or in a compromising position with these women - some advice he was once overheard giving a young actor at an awards show and something he probably learned from Colin Farrell's experiences, since he was Farrell's wing man back in his wild days.

  14. Wendy9:49 AM

    Agree with the Tom Holland Zendaya guess. I saw a couple stories about them supposedly being a couple and she seemed to laugh off the rumors on twitter.
