Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Blind Item #8

This foreign born A- list singer was in a great mood at an event the other day. Just completely upbeat for hours. Apparently it was because she thought in her mind that her boyfriend was going to propose to her at the event. As they were leaving and he had not proposed she got really angry at him and started crying and then yelling at him. It was quite the scene at a normally staid event.


  1. Sunspirit1:47 AM

    Lorde, but A- though?!

  2. Tricia131:48 AM

    Ellie Goulding

  3. Tricia131:57 AM

    At Wimbledon

  4. AMartel2:21 AM

    "thought in her mind"

  5. longtimereader2:38 AM

    Wasn't she the popular answer to the anonymous closted pop star who posted that article on reddit?

  6. Tricia133:34 AM

    I don't remember (I read it), but not sure who was the guess? Jessie J is who I suspected...Ellie has a new serious Bf ,seems smitten(from pix) and they were at Wimbledon the other day-but dunno?

  7. Ask the dude to marry you.

  8. Essca4:54 AM

    Ellie is closeted. It's a double bearding, just like that Doug guy her last ex

  9. Jasmine9:21 AM

    I'm assuming Shakira? Who at this point in considered permanent foreign A lister. There is no bigger female Latin artist than her.

  10. BlissBoo6:03 PM

    You know this as fact? I don't get a ping off Ellie G at all.
