Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Blind Items Revealed #1

July 17, 2017

This reclusive A- list reality star has threatened to kill himself multiple times in the past week. The thing is though, he has been doing that for a couple of years and his family members have grown numb to it.

Rob Kardashian


  1. Sunspirit1:23 AM

    He is pathetic. He needs to get his shit together for the sake of his kid.

  2. He needs help.
    But I'm sure him being a grown adult won't seek it.

    (So sad society shames people for being in therapy.)

  3. just sayin\'3:08 AM

    i have a 30-yr-old son with a lot more going for him than rob kardashian (an ivy league law degree) but who is a heroin addict. it's all he talks about, when you can get him to talk -- his latest attempt to overdose and wish to die. i get how family becomes numb to it. a mother can only grieve one's child's (near) death so many times before you just feel anger. i believe that they don't want to die, they want to feel better, they want to be saved from themselves, they want for life to be easy again, but rehab and withdrawal, especially the long-term post acute withdrawal symptoms, take a strong moral backbone to endure, and these grown little boys are weak in that department. sadly, they both may get their "wish" eventually.

  4. Jiujitsyou6:02 AM

    Morals don't enter into it. When you're in pain, you want to feel better, and after enough pain, you NEED to feel better, or else stop suffering. Morals don't enter the equation.

  5. texasrose6:06 AM

    I know the rich are not exempt from depression, anxiety, and other emotional maladies we middle and lower class people have but it's hard for us to work up much sympathy for them when their safety net is so strong$$$.

  6. Fairylights6:55 AM

    I'm sorry for your situation, Just sayin'. I can't imagine the turmoil.

  7. How sympathetic and enlightened of you.

  8. Gator girl9:14 AM

    Just as a funny, I was in bumper to bumper traffic today and the car in front of me, the license plate started with PMK, it made me laugh for miles.

  9. guestpass9:42 AM

    He should get help. Yes, he has money, but that's doing nothing to help him, it's just enabling ALL of his issues. I hope he gets therapy(PRIVATELY) and is able to wash out the noise. He needs to get it together for himself and his child, nobody else. Depression is depression no matter what, and it feels like absolute hell no matter what. I can't imagine what it's like to deal with that and have the public eye watching you and your every move. Just disappear from the public, he should be able to do that to have a happy life.

  10. just sayin\'1:32 PM

    by moral backbone i don't mean a set of morals, i mean an inner conviction, dedication to become something better than the way you're living. when one has relinquished one's life, handed it over to the drugs and dissipated lifestyle, you're no longer in charge of your own fate, you're weak physically and mentally, which is a lousy starting point for the kind of work it takes to become drug-free and a living human again. it can be done, one day at a time, but it is hell and easy to understand why they relapse back into the "comfort" of addiction.

  11. just sayin\'1:32 PM

    thank you so much.

  12. Mary Rose Stonehouse1:36 PM

    People who continually threaten to kill themselves, will eventually succeed.

  13. sheepie5:05 PM

    Would like the AA 12 steps help, asking the help of a Higher Power, help?? Or Teen challenge?? What a shame I do hope he recovers

  14. Another anon12:02 PM

    I feel very bad for him because regardless of him money, his support net is toxic as hell

  15. Heisenberg7:58 PM

    Well, technically he probably will end up killing himself. Just slowly and with lots of baked goods. Diabetes and heart disease will get him in the next 15 years if he doesn't start taking care of himself.
