Thursday, July 06, 2017

Blind Items Revealed #1

June 30, 2017

Apparently a billionaire can cause two former friends to not speak to each other again because that is what’s happening right now with this foreign born permanent A list model and this foreign born A+ list singer.

Naomi Campbell/Rihanna


  1. Barbara RiceHand1:21 AM

    Oh yeah I read that Rihanna has been hooking up w some guy for a while. Don't worry girls, he doesn't care for either of you. Don't fight about it. He's using you both, duh.

  2. AyyPapi1:26 AM

    ...How was this even a blind?

  3. longtimereader2:35 AM

    Hey! that was my meal ticket says the over the hill model.

  4. Harlow3:58 AM

    Wait, Naomi has friends?! calling BS, chatting at a party or event doesn't make you friends, even in celeb world. Even the 90's super models don't have anything to do with Naomi anymore now that they are not being paid to.

  5. Bobby Boyd4:52 AM

    According to Daily Mail Rhi is dating some rich Saudi who dated Naomi in the past. His family owns Toyota.

  6. Tee Dee8:25 AM

    Naomi used to use her fashion connections to forbit a young Chinese model from getting any chance in the industry just because the model dated her Russian boyfriend. Now I doubt she can fuck with Rihanna. Naomi's a miserable bitch.

  7. Jennifer Low-Rents8:41 AM

    What's the name of the penis that caused the rift?

  8. sandybrook8:54 AM

    The Saudi Ri fucked in public at the pool last week.

  9. you\'re8:35 AM

    His family might own a Toyota, but no Saudi appears on the top 10 stakeholders, so....

  10. I hope they have super penicillin in Saudi.
