Thursday, July 13, 2017

Blind Items Revealed #2

July 10, 2017

Still waiting on a sighting of the baby of this foreign born singer/celebrity/reality star who loves last names. She loves publicity so every tabloid was expecting her to sell the photos. She didn’t even entertain offers. She always entertains offers for stories and pictures. It is all a bit strange.

Cheryl Ann Tweedy-Cole-Fernandez-Versini


  1. For Real2:09 AM

    I see this gal's name here all the time and I still don't know who she is. Let's put a hold on her gossip, please.

  2. sandybrook2:12 AM

    Welp she did really get knocked up didn't she? It doesn't necessarily have to be with him though and maybe it's pretty obvious that it's not?

  3. longtimereader2:25 AM

    It's probalby a s***storm behind closed doors for the two cowell puppets.

  4. Bani\'sBlackBook2:52 AM

    Do YOU know the whereabouts of one Mr. Bear Payne and one Miss. Lea De Saine? If yes, direct photos and any relevant information to Det. Enty at

  5. Simon Cowell3:21 AM

    She's not worth getting to know

  6. Bani\'sBlackBook3:33 AM

    Perhaps she doesn't want to publicise the baby because it would mean she has to 'show face' so to speak (or show body in this case), and maybe she's got some extreme insecurity about what she looks like now...

    Just thinking of that very obvious anorexia she had (and denied) not long before she got with Liam and got up the duff; she only seemed to start filling out her bones again with the pregnancy - could be she's reverted back to those issues post-birth. Plus, Liam seems to be acting as her mouthpiece post-birth and has alluded to her 'hiding away until she's lost the extra weight', even though in his opinion she was already back to normal weight months ago - celebs usually race to show off their snapped-back bodies and rarely hide themselves this long, so maybe she has a dysmorphia issue and is seeing something different to Liam that starving herself, exercising / secret surgery won't resolve in her head.

    If this is the case, she might think if she doesn't show the baby then people will think she's classy and is protecting him from the media = meaning they are distracted from thinking it's about her. As soon as she gives up the baby to the media, if she doesn't give herself up at the same time, everyone's focus will directly shift onto her and realise she has the problem.

  7. 8==D KermitGosnellKnobJob4:48 AM

    "then people will think she’s classy".
    Maybe in the USA, I assure you that will not be the case in the UK or to the few people who know her in the rest of Europe.

  8. Beard babies prove heterosexuality5:40 AM

    Not picture perfect? Maybe a birthmark or cleft lip? But with everything being photoshopped to within an inch of its life that shouldn't be a problem. And by anorexic do you mean cokehead who doesn't eat?

  9. Bani\'sBlackBook6:42 AM

    I'm from the UK and I assure you we're never short of gullible folk / fans for even the most talentless nonentities - it's embarrassing! In any case I said this is what Chezza herself may be thinking/hoping as part of her 'hideout plan', e.g. classy/protective angle, whether or not everyone believes it.

  10. Bani\'sBlackBook6:56 AM

    Was this supposed to be directed to me? If so, I was just offering a guess that she might be battling with deep insecurities where the usual go-to options (including photoshop as you say) make no difference to how she feels, where she'd rather be a recluse than be seen at all - but I say/guess this now, and she'll probably resurface randomly tomorrow like nothing's wrong haha! And yes, it wouldn't surprise me at all for drugs to have been involved when she was a stick insect 😉

  11. Guesser11:15 AM

    I'm from the USA and I can assure you that if not for gossip blogs, no one in the country would know who she is.

  12. Scandi Sanskrit12:04 PM

    Maybe she reads the Washington Post:
