Thursday, July 06, 2017

Blind Items Revealed #2

June 30, 2017

This A list reality star continues to annoy. Her team is trying to sell to tabloids her idea for a book of the month club like Oprah’s back in the day. The thing is though, our reality star barely even reads magazines.

Khloe Kardashian


  1. sandybrook2:05 AM

    Can she read Dick and Jane?

  2. Barbara RiceHand2:50 AM

    She needs to just worry about big bottomed jeans and forming her mouth to fit dicks in it. Haha. Jk..

  3. Do Tell3:02 AM

    NOBODY with a functioning brain associates, or will ever associate, Kardashians with books or literacy.

  4. Like ... will it be ... like.... hooked on phonics (read in utter derision, with the most minute level of enthusiasm. Face in a scowl)

  5. Phyllis Whitweed3:24 AM

    The book will be Us Weekly. No one will have finished it.

  6. Lee Hart3:27 AM

    I honestly feel like these imbeciles would instagram their bathroom habits, if they could make a buck or two. How in God's name is this family still relevant?!?

  7. Harlow3:56 AM

    Betting she couldn't even stick with bad chick lit like 50 shades. They're trying to make her to sarcastic smart one, but a smart katrashian is still a moron in the rest of the country. Kris raised them all to be trophy wives.

  8. Raven4:55 AM

    her style is more like dick and ass, or ... well you know where this goes.

  9. Bodacious Ta-tas7:04 AM

    I don't think she ever reads. I'm guessing that she also thinks it looks "classy" to spell her name with an accent aigu.

  10. Jesus Juggs8:25 AM

    I would totally be a member of her coloring book of the month club.

  11. Jennifer Low-Rents8:39 AM

    I fucking hate that family so much.

  12. Fairylights8:49 AM

    Because E! at some time decided they were camera worthy.

  13. zerooptions10:02 AM

    Let's pretend she's actually heard of
    "Notes towards the definition of culture" by T.S. Eliot.
    This would be the pictures only edition for illiterates...
