Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Blind Item #1

This A- list mostly television actor from a hit network show that has spawned several other spinoffs and is not named Law & Order, CSI or NCIS is cheating on his significant other with his celebrity ex who is cheating on her significant other.


  1. elle b11:46 PM

    taylor kinney/lady gaga

  2. Memeemeee12:08 AM

    Taylor Kinney went to see Gaga when she was in town so they MUST be sleeping together again.

  3. Smalls1:29 AM

    Hope he's careful. We already know she's trying to get pregnant so she can get out of her tour.

  4. SuperCool Manchu2:38 AM

    Sounds like the *leftovers* should pull a Shania Twain move: get together, be happy, and let the Cheating Bastards have each other.

  5. SnarkIsFun6:01 AM

    But who is Kinney's ex? And who is SHE cheating on to sleep with Kinney?

  6. FrenchToast4:58 AM

    It's Charlie Hunnam and Rashida Jones. They have been hooking up like hot rabbits for a while. Things have been slowed down since she started filming in Florida though. Not a secret.
