Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Blind Item #3

If you donate money to this reality family, you are just helping them fund a coverup of murder. The money raised is going to bribes and anything extra will line the pockets of the reality stars.


  1. Moonbeamriver12:34 AM

    The Duggars. Wasn't there a blind on here several weeks ago implying that one of the son-in-laws was involved in a murder?

  2. Green Carmen Ghia1:15 AM

    Generally speaking, donating money to a reality family--any reality family--is a stupid idea. If this is about the Duggars and you gave those uneducated monstrosities money, then you are going straight to hell. Do not pass Go. Do not collect 72 virgins. Or 1 virgin. Or is it a white horse? Nonsense confuses me...

  3. just sayin\'1:21 AM

    who would give the duggars money??????

  4. I bet the Duggars are Trump supporters!

  5. JJJJJJJJJJJ Dugger2:39 AM

    Yep, the doofy one with the braces who made some stupid Twitter remarks.

  6. Topsy4:45 AM

    Speaking of the Duggars, anyone else see that Joy-Anna is pregnant?

  7. Those nasty Duggars. I wish their sanctimonious act would get torn apart. Tired of their faux holiness. UGH.

  8. Fairylights9:58 AM

    Wonder how far along she is. Count back to the wedding.

  9. Fairylights10:02 AM

    There is No Way that is a three month baby bump for a first timer. Not unless she's got more than one baby in there. Wasn't there a blind awhile ago about one of the Duggar girls having a pregnancy scare?
