Tuesday, August 01, 2017

Blind Item #4

This A-/B+ list mostly movie actress married to an A lister takes 5-10 photos every few days in a variety of outfits and products and then has her people try and sell the photos to tabloids with a copy to the companies she is wearing or using. She wants to be the face of a big company or designer because she thinks it will be way easier than acting with just as much money in her pocket.


  1. Tricia1312:30 AM

    Blake Lively?
    Please don't let that happen

  2. Georgia12:40 AM

    Blake Lively.
    The staged photo op of yesterday with her equalluy famewhoring sis Robyn is an example.

  3. Georgia12:42 AM

    Forgot to add that her latest 'candids' were reposted on instagram by Jennifer Meyer, bc Blake was of course wearing tons of her jewellery for her casual pap stroll.

  4. Random10112:45 AM

    Doesnt she have the Gossip Girl reboot coming up??? Also i thought that movie of her's escaping that shark was a success so she got more movies.....

  5. NoseyNeighbor12:55 AM

    Apparently she is also trying to soften her image and broaden her reach by appealing to non-whites.

  6. NoseyNeighbor1:05 AM

    While I appreciate her thoughts it does feel image-driven.

    Here is the excerpt:

    BL: It made me more aware, more conscious, more sensitive. Not just of sexism but of discrimination in all areas—class, gender, race. I had realized that there were problems [before]. You know, I do a lot of work against sex trafficking: There are hundreds of thousands of missing-children reports in the United States each year; some of those children are sex-trafficked. But that’s not reported. You see [stories about] only the wealthy, middle-class white girls who’ve been kidnapped. There are people missing all the time, and because they’re minorities, because they come from impoverished neighborhoods, they don’t make the news. That is so devastating.

  7. Renshaw1:07 AM

    I think she's a decent actress and liked her in The Age of Adeline. She doesn't annoy me just yet. She is trying to do a Goop / Alba thing and it's going about it the wrong way.

  8. Georgia1:18 AM

    This interview is made of bs. She wants people to know she doesnt have a perfect life but she is the one constantly picturing a perfect existence. She says they never work at the same time but she has 4 movies lined up already and will start one soon, while Ryan will be working on DP2 until october.
    Everything they both do/say it's image and PR driven.

  9. Marlo1:19 AM

    Lazy and greedy. Acting is not neurosurgery, it's a few months of make belief, followed by some red carpets and a big pay check. Then it's vacation time until the next.
    Lazy greedy bimbo.

  10. anndie1:22 AM

    Rachel Bilson was papped the very next day in the same brand of jeans as Blake. Not saying Rachel is the blind since she's mostly tv and Hayden probably isn't an A lister, but the chance of two actresses wearing Old Navy Rockstar jeans within days of each?

    Though I see nothing wrong with this.

  11. texasrose6:46 AM

    Doubt she is the only one doing this

  12. Pretty good career, husband has a successful career, how much money do you need? She could be home with her cute kids and make a loved a year and be fine. Way too hungry.

  13. Movie a year, oops
