Thursday, August 24, 2017

Blind Item #5

This former A+ list mostly movie actress is never going to back off from the off the wall claims she makes because those claims make her a ton of money without her having to do much real work.


  1. Is GOOP A+?

  2. Tricia1312:48 AM

    Halle Berry?
    The bullying claims maybe

  3. Guesser12:59 AM

    It does say former,and she makes a lot of money off those stupid overpriced crap she sells on Goop. She might end up getting sued someday.

  4. Winona1:00 AM

    +1 - she was once A+ list (won Oscar for Shakespeare in Love) and her GOOP site comes up with all kinds of crazy claims.

  5. zerooptions1:07 AM

    Looks like you got it!

  6. Guesser1:24 AM

    Just read the article. Vaginal jade eggs? Are we sure Goop isn't a parody?

  7. Mop top2:30 AM

    Haha - I remember reading an interview with her somewhere where she said being a "businesswoman" fulfills her more than acting did. I guess she means it fulfills her bank account.

  8. longtimereader2:42 AM

    All goopy customers deserve to be ripped off.

  9. beruit4:52 AM

    goop getting mad that a consumer watchdog group (along with a LOT of ppl of the scienfitic/medical community that know more than gwennie will know in HER. LIFETIME.)

    rich white ladies, man. they are the worst.

  10. Last I heard she had payed off her boyfriends wife to keep quiet about the timing of Goopy's relationship with him. Are they still together? She sure is dirty.

  11. Ontoward6:24 AM

    GOOP stinks as an actress, and hasn't been getting any roles, so 'businesswoman' it is!

  12. Whywhywhy???11:12 AM

    I am on her email list... that isht is hilarious. I was shocked to learn she used a beauty brand I actually use. The difference being of course she collaborated for something special that costs three times as much as what I bought at Sephora. Yet, it was still the cheapest thing i had ever seen. Or wait, used Rolexes...

  13. Hortensia12:03 PM

    Shirley MacLaine

  14. Hortensia12:05 PM

    The vaginal jade eggs sell for $64/pair, and there's a waiting list a mile long.

  15. Guesser1:49 PM

    we will have to settle for rose quartz than,or spare ourselves an embarrassing trip to the ER

  16. Pickles6:40 PM

    A pair? Are we sureth that they aren't his and hers?

  17. shakey7:55 AM

    Yes, when she baked Harvey some cookies.
