Monday, August 21, 2017

Blind Item #8 - Kindness

This foreign born A- list mostly movie actress who set records in her last movie had no problems with her dinner being interrupted multiple times the other night to meet young girls who wanted to meet her and take photos with her. She looked like she was having the best time.


  1. Moonbeamriver1:47 AM

    Gal Gadot

  2. gaytorade1:48 AM

    Gal Gadot

  3. Sunspirit1:55 AM

    Gal Gadot. She does seem like a really nice person.

  4. zerooptions2:01 AM

    Go wonder woman!

  5. ThisNThat2:19 AM

    Kindness blinds should be automatic reveals. These people deserve credit for good things.

    Thank you Gal!

  6. longtimereader2:47 AM

    Felicity jones?

  7. Marianne2:53 AM

    I like when I read the kindness blinds. It's nice to know that some actresses are true to their fans.
    At the end of the day without fans where would they be?
    Definitely Gia she always seems to be very nice in interviews and premieres from what I've seen.

  8. just sayin\'3:01 AM

    special not only because she was so nice but because it was fun for her too.

  9. It was nice of her to do that for the young girls.
    But, impolite to NOT let her eat first before approaching her.
    Just my 2 cents!

  10. beruit7:55 AM

    wonder woman herself - gal gadot.

  11. The real Gal Gadot! Love her!

  12. Bend3r4:19 PM

    I love Gal Gadot.

  13. French girl12:03 AM

    LASt year,a guy on Reddit said he met Christian Bale And His Son In the restroom of a sushi restaurant.At The end,They talked 1/2 hour about all and Bale paid his dinner

  14. SarcasticBimbo6:19 PM

    I haven't seen Wonder Woman yet, but I saw the autograph assembly line footage at ComicCon in July and she impressed me with her behavior there. She made eye contact with just about every person who stood in front of her and smiled a genuine smile. Spoke to the majority of them, too and looked like she was having a blast.

    In comparison, Affleck looked like he wanted to be ANYWHERE but where he was and looked so hungover it wasn't even funny. Once in a great while he looked up at whoever was in front of him.

    But Gal Gadot was amazing there.
