Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Blind Item #8

The husband of this A-/B+ list mostly movie actress with a very lucrative side job had a couple of days alone and cheated on his wife. It has been awhile since I heard of him doing that.


  1. Jessica Alba and Cash Warren? Not sure if she's A/B tho....

  2. noone2:01 AM

    classy, isn't she pregnant with #3 ? not sure about A/B, she's now more of a business women, former actress that still act as a hobby ;)

  3. Sunspirit2:06 AM

    Blake Lively & Ryan Reynolds

  4. sandybrook2:23 AM

    +1 I think, she's more likely than Alba who is with bebeh right now.

  5. Random1012:33 AM

    I read a statistic once that men are most likely to cheat on their wives when they are pregnant. Zuck, this dude, Affleck.... scratch that..... basically there is a whole lot of data to back that up :(

  6. Good guess, but what is her lucrative side gig? I thought Preserve went belly up?

  7. casa papillion2:52 PM

    it's true.

    there was the jared kushner blind, and how he only cheats on ivanka while she is pregnant.

    it makes sense. as a woman, I can understand how a pregnant lady would be a turn-off to fuck. Its not like a guy's sex drive looks at a pregnant lady and go, I can totally impregnate that. if her uterus is busy, that dick is going somewhere else.
