Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Blind Item #8

Not sure this is a good idea. This former B list tweener turned A-/B+ list singer all of you know has a substance abuse problem. With a bunch of horrible short term relationships this year, the singer has asked her closeted tweener friend to be a sperm donor. Our singer thinks being pregnant will help her quit drugs.


  1. Tricia131:46 AM

    Demi Lovato/Nick Jonas

  2. MontanaMarriott1:46 AM


  3. just sayin\'1:50 AM

    what a great idea!!!!

  4. mariaj1:50 AM

    Demi Lovato and bad, bad idea

  5. sandybrook2:41 AM

    Ariana Grande and Jonas?

  6. How do these idiots make it so far in life?

  7. Simply Nana3:50 AM

    Sure... cuz an innocent baby who didn't ask to be born is exactly who should carry the weight of your miserable choices on their shoulders!

  8. zerooptions4:15 AM

    Stupid is as stupid does..
    Wanna quit?
    Take your disposable income get a place in the desert, stock up on healthy food and water, only let a few trustworthy friends know and go through all the horrorific withdrawal symptoms on your own.
    A friend did that.

  9. 8==D KermitGosnellKnobJob5:19 AM

    I saw that movie, "into the wild". Good one despite the assholeness of the director.

  10. Patrick6:30 AM

    If you are reasonably good looking, and ambitious to the point of not saying no to questionable actions, then you can go far.

  11. beruit8:49 AM

    if we were still in the wild, they wouldnt survive. modernity alows a lot of stupid people to survive that wouldnt in any other nonmodern world. srsly.

  12. beruit8:50 AM

    demi lovato should NOT procreate. she has really scary issues that would scar a potential child. she'd probably pass her bipolarity to them OR they wouldnt inherit it, but have to deal with a bipolar mother.

    Not. Worth. It.

  13. John Paterson11:25 AM

    I know of a family that locked their child in a room, hardened against any possibility of him harming himself or damaging the room. They kept him in there for about 6 weeks before allowing him limited freedoms while he got himself clean.

  14. Dobbs3:54 PM

    Demi Lovato, Try worst idea in the history of worst ideas, parenthood does not turn a person around, you just end up adding an innocent person into the mess. If you are unstable and cannot even have a long term relationship having a kid is out of the question.

  15. TellMeLies2:23 AM

    I wish more people were SMART like I am. I have mental health issues and extreme anxiety. I know that I would thus be a TERRIBLE mother to my child/ren, and I'd also never want to pass on any of my mental illness them like my family has with me. It's completely unfair. If I got EVERYTHING super controlled at some point, I'd may be option to adoption. But, I've taken measures to ensure that I never procreate.
