Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Blind Items Revealed #2

January 9, 2017

Golden Globes

Don’t believe the hype. This former A+ list mostly movie actress who is now A-/B+ list and a celebrity offspring is leaking the stories about her involvement with an A+ list mostly movie actor. Oh, she was dumped by a former superhero who found someone younger. Maybe her former friend will take her back now. At an after party, she tried to latch on to some offspring of an oil billionaire but was rebuffed.

Kate Hudson/Brad Pitt/Tobey Maguire


  1. John Paterson2:30 AM

    When a woman breaks up with you, then tries to get back get back together, she's probably not that into you.

    She was lacking other opportunities.

  2. BlissBoo2:31 AM

    Desperation is never a good scent.

  3. longtimereader2:38 AM

    The worst part is that she come from money already.

  4. Jamie Lynn3:53 AM

    She's over the hill and old enough to be the mother to the new corp of celebutards wanna be models child of d list celebs that are now just glorifed hos.

  5. hothotheat4:53 AM

    Same can be said about men.

  6. texasrose5:15 AM

    Poor girl. That being said I predict she will somehow survive in this world.

  7. Patrick6:30 AM

    It will be decades before she sees a penny of it, if then. Her mom, while huge way back when, didn't work for a long time. Her "dad" is really her step dad, and is likely to leave his ducats to his bio kids. Her bio dad has no relationship with her. And H-wood types are rapidly getting on the "leave most of it to charity" bandwagon.
    If Hudson wants money, she'll have to earn it. Or marry it. She's not done going after Pitt yet.

  8. Are rich men onto her game?

  9. Jimbo7:41 AM

    She was never A+ even with the Oscar nom and she's C list now at best

  10. Marianne7:46 AM

    ITA 💯

  11. Marianne7:46 AM

    ITA ?

  12. guestpass9:24 AM

    I've always imagined what kind of effed up friendship Kate & Sienna would have. I would watch it.

  13. yadayada12:50 PM

    Why is that the worst part? Worst part of what? Why is her coming from parents who made a lot of money an issue with you?

  14. yadayada12:51 PM

    Goldie is a financial genius who parlayed her small fortune into a huge one.
    Kate doesn't need any money. I suppose she'd like to be more relevant again.

  15. yadayada12:52 PM

    That's one hell of a broad statement.

  16. Brian2:39 PM

    For whatever a google search is worth, Goldie is worth $60 million and Kate is worth $38 million. Also, Kate's company Fabletics isvalued at $250 million.

  17. Patrick6:49 AM

    Her company is a huge misnomer. I'd be willing to be that financial backers own a huge portion of the stock.
