Thursday, August 24, 2017

Blind Items Revealed #2

August 16, 2017

This foreign born A list singer has had some acting roles as of late. One of them did not go so well and new scenes were written to not include her. This should have been wrapped a long time ago.

Rihanna/Ocean's Eight


  1. sandybrook2:29 AM

    This ship is going to sink like the Titanic

  2. longtimereader2:39 AM

    Did they not see battleship?

  3. sandybrook2:44 AM

    I don't think very many people saw Battleship.

  4. AppleTartin3:00 AM

    She was even worse as Marion Crane in Bates Motel, stunt casting gone wrong.

  5. texasrose6:05 AM

    Sounds like they need to stop trying to make her an actress.

  6. Sylvia7:04 AM

    She is a horrible wannabe actress.

  7. Brooklyn Girl7:32 AM

    She's pretty, though.

  8. Ha! I did. Found the dvd in a charity shop for next to nothing.

    I had always been curious about it since seeing the giant advertising banner literally the size of the cinema showing it.

    Now, having seen Battleship, I understand why they had to make the banner so huge, so very very huge.

  9. I already had planned on not seeing this movie since I heard about Kim/Kylie's appearance in it. But Rhianna is not an actor and she needs to stick to singing, modeling endorsements and her makeup line.
