Thursday, August 31, 2017

Blind Items Revealed #2

August 23, 2017

This B+ list mostly movie actress who will be A- list when her superhero movie comes out is hoping she can make her ex jealous enough to want her back. After what she did to the ex though it is highly unlikely.

Amber Heard/Elon Musk


  1. sandybrook2:13 AM

    They still see one another. He wants ass, she wants 💰.

  2. sandybrook2:13 AM

    They still see one another. He wants ass, she wants ?.

  3. SuperCool Manchu2:20 AM

    What did she do to him??

  4. Ladylaw3:38 AM

    He is on record as saying he only has time for women for one thing. She needs to move on unless she wants to be a booty call.

  5. She gave him the herpe didn't she?

  6. I heard he had a PI trail her in Australia and she was seen with another guy hooking up. He's very traditional and wants a good woman for his children. That she is not. His ex left acting to be a stay home mom to his kids that weren't even hers.

  7. The biggest problem is you saying Amber will be a list. No. No. No. People don't let that happen!

  8. Poor Elon :( I'd be the perfect wifey for him :( these vipers will poison his heart from love :( please let her name fade be fair...who is actually going to go see the next marvel film be it aqua man or the black panther, surely no one cares anymore.
