Tuesday, August 08, 2017

Blind Items Revealed #2

March 31, 2017

This former A+ list tweener had his bodyguards beat up a woman while out of the country this past week. Apparently the woman had not completed her transition and the former tweener flipped out.

Justin Bieber


  1. Salaam2:10 AM

    haha. Though I can't imagine he minded THAT much

  2. Renshaw2:11 AM

    Full disclosure, then stay or walk away but definitively No beatings. I've yet to catch an intelligent discussion about the rights of transgendered women and sex with unwitting hetero men who would have never agreed to it had they known. Where does the law reside on this? Just askin,

  3. zerooptions2:29 AM

    I wonder if his preacher has gotten to the part of the bible that says to "turn the other cheek"

  4. mariaj2:30 AM

    It's only a penis, Justin, relax

  5. Paige2:33 AM

    "thou doth protest too much"

  6. sandybrook2:35 AM

    Some of the Thai transitionals look hotter than the real girls and most of them look really young too. (perhaps because they are really young). I'm sure Biebs has had penis before.

  7. Salaam3:04 AM

    Was't there just recently a reveal (or a blind) that he was involved in a threesome?

  8. Shorny3:04 AM

    Depends on which cheek you mean...

  9. Gauchita3:04 AM

    Trans girls are "real" (girls in particular, humans in general) too. Hope you meant "bio" and were not being transphobic on purpose.

  10. Marlo3:10 AM

    This 'transphobic' is bullcrap - a new word invented by the permanently screeching & offended , same level as 'islamophobic'.

    Of course they are REAL people, but they are NOT 'real' women. No matter what they do to their outside, or how many hormones they inject, they still are one X chromosome short of genetically being female. Fact.

  11. sandybrook3:17 AM

    I meant not fully transitioned which apparently got this person beat up.

  12. Robbie Boy3:20 AM

    That was a CIS episode.

  13. Do Tell3:41 AM

    Such a POS. When is someone finally going to press charges against him and follow through on them?

  14. austin3:49 AM

    Allowing a partner to discover birth gender unprepared in the midst of an intimate encounter is every bit as wrong as attacking someone for it imo.

  15. omaxem4:45 AM

    OT, but does downvoting other people and upvoting yourself really make you happier?

    Asking for a friend, who is me.

  16. austin4:56 AM

    You can't upvote yourself. I just tried it to test your theory and got the message: You are not allowed to vote for this comment.

  17. Sunspirit5:40 AM

    His parents must be so proud

  18. tokyotrust6:31 AM

    +10000 this

  19. tokyotrust6:33 AM

    did they get their Y chromosome surgically removed too? just bc you pay to get your parts/hormones/phenotype changed doesnt make your DNA do so too. You can only change nature so much.

  20. omaxem7:15 AM

    Why don't you try creating a different account austin?

  21. austin7:31 AM

    If you're suggesting that using another name will enable someone to uprate their own comments, it doesn't work that way. Restricting site activity is almost always implemented on the basis of IP address, not username.

  22. Siliconlifeform7:36 AM

    Lovely. And someone got mad at me for referencing Joran Van Der Sloot?

  23. Siliconlifeform7:38 AM

    And considering how girly Justin himself looks I wonder if the pre-op had the same reaction?

  24. Cherry8:07 AM

    You don't up someone for that, Begbie.

  25. Chicagojvan8:14 AM

    This really just comes down to the difference between "sex" and "gender." Sex is the chromosomes and biological makeup, while gender is labeling the societal roles and behaviors of male and female. So while that X chromosome argument does speak to their sex, it doesn't speak to their gender. So yes, they are "real" women if that is their gender (not sex) identity.

    And stating that "transphobic" is bull crap? I think those individuals who live everyday with it could speak on it better than you or I, but I bet they would disagree.

  26. austin8:31 AM

    No you don't, and I didn't condone it. I simply made the point that sexual assault perpetrated on an unwitting victim is just as bad.

  27. melissa8:52 AM

    Ew, I am sorry but this is INEXCUSABLE.
    You have a dick, you are a man, I don't care what you FEEL like, stop with all this PC BS! YOU HAVE A PENIS YOU ARE A MAN! Even if you cut if off guess what YOU ARE STILL A MAN, NEVER WERE, NEVER WILL BE A WOMAN. You can 'act' like one, although you have absolutely no idea what it is like to really be one.
    Spare me the fucking drama and the NONSENSE...when was your last period?!? When did you first get a period? PMS moodswings? When did you have your first child? Abortion? Miscarriage? I mean the list is NEVER ENDING so please stop calling yourself WOMEN you are TRANSSEXUALS, not women and it is not fair for us natural born women to be forced to accept this bs and be forced to act like this is normal and healthy cuz it is not.
    If dudes want to fuck other dudes than that is their prerogative but DO NOT expect other people to be happy about your surprise cuz guess what, most dudes don't want to see, touch or be near another mans dick. No that does not make them a hater or mean or whatever other snowflake ass bs people want to spew these days. It makes them HETEROSEXUAL which in case if you whack jobs fail to remember is also a way of life.
    Straight Lives Matter so be upfront with who you are or pay the price.
    And for the record this was a dude with a penis who got beat up NOT a woman.
    Stop it. Just stop it.

  28. Ontoward9:28 AM

    You're a psycho, troll. Get lost. You're not welcome here.

  29. jonnie lowbrow9:45 AM

    bet biebs still 'finished'

  30. Trashleigh10:20 AM

    Trans-women are totally a thing. You need to get over it sister.

  31. Just cause you have a kunt doesnt mean you are entitled to act like one. Grow the F up you pig.

  32. You dont know what actually happened, maybe he knew all along and then later got freaked out. He could have left. You cant just beat someone to a pulp b/c you didnt like the decision you made to sleep with them. Doesnt say he knowlingly gave him a STD or something.

  33. What happened to respecting all of mankind.

  34. Swanky Bubbles11:53 PM

    Thank you. Just awesome.

  35. who cares5:10 AM

    he has been messed up in the head ever since he lived in ATL and those rappers passed him around...like a girl...
