Saturday, August 12, 2017

Blind Items Revealed #4 - Kindness

August 2, 2017

This former A+ list mostly movie actor is back to A list with his franchise after years of A- list land. In a theatre in NYC, intermission was about to end. A drunk guy tried to steal a bottle of wine from the lobby bar. The guy started fighting the bartenders and staff. Along comes our actor. Calmly charms the guy. Slips the usher behind the bar cash to cover the bottle, without the guy even noticing, and walks him back in to his seat like it’s a normal thing he does every day. He didn’t know the guy, didn’t know any of the staff, but effortlessly deescalated the situation.

Keanu Reeves


  1. pudlucker2:37 AM

    Class act!

  2. Paige2:49 AM

    Loved him when I was a pre-teen, love him now.

  3. Mollie3:47 AM

    He's such a great guy. I'm so glad there are people like him I this world.

  4. Keanu just seems wonderful. I know he's got his flaws for sure, but he has a good heart. He has never seemed interested in a lot of the negative or superficial trappings of Hollywood (or the world in general). Honestly, he's one of those rare celebrities who, even if he doesn't have the greatest hygiene (as is rumored), I would just kinda shrug it off and say, "but he's a great guy!"

  5. just sayin\'4:34 AM

    i can see keanu handling this in a very zen way. nice.

  6. texasrose4:38 AM

    Are sure Keanu didn't bring the guy to the event??

  7. mariaj4:42 AM

    same..more, while he is not ridicolously attrative like when he was young, he is still fascinating anyway ( hygiene a part )

  8. Jermaine5:16 AM

    My thought is that about 75% of the blinds on this site are probably more or less accurate, but that also if there's smoke there's fire. And if you hear enough stories about someone in a certain vein, there's probably truth to those. Everything I have ever read or heard about Keanu is that he is just a good good down to earth dude, and that makes me really happy to know!

  9. Dumblesnore5:17 AM

    His face is even kind of calming lol

  10. LouLou5:22 AM

    "My thought is that about 75% of the blinds on this site are probably more or less accurate"

    You should try submitting a tip. I have and you would be surprised at what you can make up that will end up on the site.

  11. Jermaine5:31 AM

    So you're the one dropping it down to 75% then? (:

    Keanu buying motorcycles for the below the line crew on The Matrix; Keanu doing John Wick as a favor to these guys who were his stunt-men... not the same types of blinds you hear about people yachting, the drugs, etc... I'm sure you can make stuff up but, again, its the totality of what you hear about any of these people. And the story on Keanu is that he's had some bad shit happen to him, and is a genuinely kind and down to earth person. Always good to hear that about stars, and makes me want to see more of what he does too!

  12. Renshaw9:44 AM

    Now there is someone who keeps his life private and seems like a genuinely nice guy. I love him as John Wick.

  13. uwishididurpr9:58 AM

    Keanu is a great guy. So private, too.

  14. Moshpitabread10:25 AM

    I heard about his stillborn daughter and longtime love dying in a car crash shortly after. Devastating.

    He truly seems like a kind excellent human being.

  15. As my grandmother would say, "He's good people."

  16. SComey1:18 PM

    Keanu is an awesome dude! Wish not just all of hollywood, but all people in general were more like him

  17. Scandi Sanskrit2:32 PM

    What a peacekeeper, bless his heart. ♥

    I know somebody like this, my former boss at an internship was this way.

  18. He is really good looking. Even better in real life and such a nice person. Years ago I would see him around LA and he was always super cool.

  19. LouLou9:50 PM

    I'm not doubting Keanu is one of lifes genuinely good people, but the fact remains that the majority of content on this website is nothing more than fiction.

  20. HH3149:52 PM

    I like him too but he seems constantly depressed to me

  21. Mz Kitty10:09 PM

    And this is why I love Keanu 4 ever

  22. numoon69:37 PM

    he's so cool and wise

  23. Jallen2:51 AM

    Read his life story and you'll never say he looks depressed without understanding why.

  24. longtimereader3:05 AM

    Keanu rules! John wick is awesome.

  25. Artpunk5:11 AM

    Not surprising at all.
